.It was fun while it lasted.

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--- Randy's POV ----
Well... Howard left. And now... Its just me and (Y/n)... Alone...

We continued to walk to the park. It was a cold night today. The streets were quiet and some cars would pass by.
Post lights would light our way into the dark night.

I looked at (Y/n).. she looks kinda cold.

I began to take off my jacket..

(Y/n) noticed and she began to say things like she wasn't that cold or it was fine.

I ignored it and placed it on her shoulders.

"I said I'm fine alright...?" She continued to say.

"Oh zip it... I know you're cold. So just enjoy wearing my jacket." I said with a smirk. She kept quiet and looked like she was really enjoying it.

But to be honest, it was really cold.

I'm really happy that she agreed but what I'm about to ask her later on will probably be the hardest part.

No, I need to do it. I can't let Howard's sacrifice be in vain.

"Soooo...." (Y/n) said to break to awkward silence. "What's this about?"

"Oh... Nothing ehehehe..." I awkwardly said.

"Hmm... Well.. I know its something so.. Quit lying to me." She said as she smiled.
Oh juice... I know its night but its like your smile brings light...

I looked away.

"You'll find out sooner or later... But first let's get some gravey fries... I mean, if its okay with you.." I said hoping that its okay with her.

"Hmm.. Some Gravy Fries sounds good right now.." She agreed.

We went to the gaming hole and brought some Gravy fries. There weren't many people hanging out over there since its night and so that's why we got our gravy fries fast.

After that, we got outside and went to the park. The park was kinda spooky since it was dark there but good thing there were some lights that were on and were guiding us.

"Remind me why are we at the park at night eating some gravy fries?" (Y/n) said in a fun way.

"Just wait.. Uhhh... AHA! C'mon!" I said as I saw the tree we used to have picnics. I sat down and (Y/n) looked kinda surprised.

"Whoa.. This tree brings back memories.." (Y/n) said as she sat down beside me.

We talked for awhile under the tree and continued eating some gravy fries until (Y/n) stopped and was staring blankly at a gravy fry she was holding.

"Are you alright?" I asked wondering if her stomach reacted.

"Yeah... I think.. Its just that.. Someone used to call me Gravy Fries.." She said as she smiled to herself.

"Why Gravy Fries?" I asked.. "Wait.. And by someone you mean me right? I think I remember..." I said trying to think of the reason behind it.

(Y/n) laughed and said "C'mon Randy.. You could do it.."

"Was it Because... you liked gravy fries so much?!"


"Was it because.. Something funny happened when you were eating your gravy fries?!"

"Good one.. But nope.."

Then it hit me...

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
"was it because.. You were my GF..?" Randy suddenly said.

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