Is He Really Evil?

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Heeeey... If you love/hate the last chapter, I'm sure you'll love/hate this chapter too. Lol...

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I've woken up, only to find myself resting in Randy's arms.
"How did you managed to defeat her?!" I said as I shot up from his arms. He was surprised and stood up also.
"I uh.... Uh....." Randy said but he mumbled the last part though.
"What?! YOU KISSED HER!?" I said shocked.. Did he run out of ideas to defeat her!?
"How did you even hear that?... Anyway, yeah... Well, I thought that if I kissed her, she would return to being You." He said kind ashamed to say it out loud.
"That's not the way it works here! This isn't some cheesy drama that a kiss would be the answer to the problem! This is serious!" I said shouting at him, Randy looked at the ground. I look like I'm scolding a child here. "More importantly, WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME!?" I continued to shout.
"I CAN'T OKAY! .... I just c-can't.... I can't loose you again...." Randy said looking at me with weary eyes.
"You... You Don't understand.... Nightmare won't stop. She'll takeover my body again and I'll tell you this... She'll kill everyone." I said worriedly as I shook my head.
"We'll find a way. Don't worry... For now let's just rest.. Cause its like... 12 am? And I'm quite beat up." He said as he held his hand out for me to take.
I took it and the next thing you know, Randy was carrying me to my house in bridal style.

Once we reached my house, he let me down and I went inside. As he was going to disappear into the night...
"Um... Randy? Could I ask a favor?" I suddenly asked.
"Uh... Sure...? What is it?" He asked surprised.
"I was wondering if you could stay here.. You know, just in case Nightmare comes again while I'm sleeping.."
He was hesitant at first but he said "Sure.. I'll sleep on the couch."
I was relieved.
But an uninvited guest came running down the street and came to my house..
I was surprised though.

---Randy's POV---
"Hey.... Guys.... You need to see this..." Howard said cacthing his breathe in between. (Y/n) and I looked at each other with a worried look. We got inside and Howard showed us a footage that he said he took while I was battling Nightmare.
"I swear, this happened earlier." He said trying to convince us. Why is he saying this?
"What? You think were not going to believe it?"
"Yeah... That's why I'm saying this."
And so he played the video...
The video started and everything was chaos, everyone was running and there was this familiar green smoke which made my eyes widened. (Y/n)'s eyes widened too. And what terrified me the most was that a stanked monster came out of the green smoke.
"WHAT THE JUICE!?" I said as I jumped up out of my chair. I noticed (Y/n) was also scared.
"HA! Scared ya didn't I?!" Howard said who was now laughing at Randy. Is joking or serious?
"So, You came here in the middle of Night just so you could show us a prank video?" (Y/n) said getting annoyed.
"Yeah. But it was worth it." He said still laughing.
"WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT!?" Randy shouted.
"From the internet from a video, 'Stanked Monster Rampaged Through Norrisville'." Howard said now tapping something in his phone.
"WHAT!?" (Y/n) and I said both at the same time.
"Yeah... See?" Howard said as he showed us a video from shoobtube. A group of people got stanked and were turned into monsters and it wasn't soon until everyone there was turned into one. Did I mention that GREEN SMOKE was everywhere!
"What the juice!? How is this even possible!? Didn't we set the sorcerer free already!?" Randy said who was now hyperventilating.
"Calm down! Maybe-... Shoot.... No..... No..... Noooo!" (Y/n) said as if she realized something and it must be something terrifying... Cause she just took a seat and was breathing heavily.
"What is it?" Howard said not following the conversation and was confused.
"(Y/c)... Didn't he say 'Phase Two' is about to begin?!" She said while trying to stay calm.
"But how did he get his hands on the green orbs?! It can only be opened by the Ninja, who has the key. DUH!" I said not refusing to believe what (Y/n) just said. "But then again, he took my mask and he probably opened the hole with the key which was inside the Ninja suit."
Uuugggghhhh.... Why didn't I saw this coming!?
"So, (Y/c)'s behind all this?" Howard asked. We both nodded and he became quiet. That was unexpected even for Howard to do.
"A-Aren't you going to freak out? Or anything?" I said to Howard. He just seemed SO chill like the world isn't going to end... Yet...
"Actually, Yeah I am but, didn't you see this coming? Not to mention, I saw him getting your Ninja mask."
"Uh DUH, Do you want me to risk my life? No Way! I promise you, I wanted to stop him, but there was a dark aura around him that made just stood there. And when he was gone, I could actually move again." Howard said chilling.
"You could've said something you know."
"I tried but... I COULDN'T CAUSE YOU TWO ARE ALWAYS HANGING OUT!" He shouted. "Either that or I forgot."
"Okaaaayyyy...? This what were going to do.. First, We'll settle this tomorrow but now let's just take some sleep." (Y/n) suggested getting a bit sleepy. Howard and I agreed and she just went up to her room.

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