Will We Make It In Time?

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~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
So uh... Where following the dump truck aaaaand its taking really slow. Why? Cause its taking its time to collect garbage at every trash can that's at the side walk.
Time Check: 5:30 pm. We only 30 minutes to somehow find the Nomicon and bring it back to my house where NomiRandy is waiting... I hope.
"Why don't we just ask where the Dump is?" (Y/c) asked me and I did a facepalm. Why haven't I thought of this.
"Ugh.. You're right. But would they... you know... suspect us going to the Dump?" I replied.
"Yeah, You're right. Well, All we have to do now is to wait." (Y/c) said with a tone giving up.
We waited for about 10 minutes... And now we have only 20 minutes. We finally arrived at the dump and we sneaked in. As we were sneaking in, We heard someone comin' towards our direction... We quickly hid behind the piles of trash that was beside us. Good thing we didn't jump in though.
We looked at the workers there and it looked like they were closing the gates to the dump, which means... The dump is now closed.
"Yes! Now, We could search for the Nomicon." (Y/c) said ecstatically.
"WHAT!? How in the world are WE going to find the hokin' Nomicon and-...." I shouted but then something interrupted me with a tune of a cellphone who just received a text.
"What now?! You have a texting mate and you could just ignore this?!" I continued annoyingly.
"Uuh... That wasn't mine... I think that was yours." He said kinda weird-ed out.
"Ooh... uh... right." I said with an awkward laugh. Ugh.. Why (Y/n)!? WHY!?... I opened my phone and saw a text message from Randy. Who is NomiRandy today.
"So who is it?"
"Its NomiRandy."
"What does it say?"
"I don't know. Its just some random numbers and letters all mixed up!" I said showing him the screen of my phone.
"It says.... 14°35'55.9"N 120°58'48.0"E.." (Y/c) said.
"Well that's weird. Why would NomiRandy send these random numbers and letters?" I questioned and thought that this was only a prank. It would be so typical of him to send that.
"Wait...No.. THIS IS...." (Y/c) said as if he solved the missing pieceor that feeling when you finally solved a math equation.
"Whut?" I said confused and not knowing what was going on as he brought out his cellphone and started typing what was written in NomiRandy's text.
"AHA! Just as I suspected! Its the coordinates to where the Nomicon is!"
"Yes! We don't have to be here anymore!"
"Uuhh... not exactly."
"Don't tell me that's-..."
"Yup... Its far more worse."
"The Nomicon is where a place where the all the trash is burned up or chopped or smashed."
"Then that means we have to go NOW! Lead the way already!" I said letting him run first. We took a left at that pile of trash, next to the right... And it kinda looks like a maze, but its full of trash and it smells like someone sat next to you who haven't showered for a week and that person is eating peanut butter with sardines and onions in a sandwich. Plus, I kept on stepping on this brown icky thing-... 
Oh wait... 
You know what... I'm going to wash my shoes or throw them in trash... or just leave them here. (Y/c) went to a full stop which made me bump into him but good thing we didn't land on each other though. There was a loud crash which made me twitch and I think that its the sound of garbage being crushed into something. The building was full of rust all around and we walked up to the front door. 
"This is the place... Uhm... Ladies first?" (Y/c) offered a bit scared.
I sighed and opened the door. 
I looked inside and there was that loud crash again. A thought crossed my mind and it was, Why was the machine working if the dump was closed?...
Did they forget to close it?... Nah...
Is someone inside?... Probably...
I gulped and went inside followed by (Y/c), But then...

"Finally... You guys came... Its getting a little bit boring here, and kinda stinky."
That familiar voice... He's here.
We both looked to where the voice was there he was. NomiRandy was standing on a pile of trash and slid down, and man... that was so bruce.
"No duh!? This is the dump shoob." (Y/c) said annoyed so easily.
"Shut up! You're looking for this riiight?" NomiRandy said as he brought the Nomicon out of his jacket. 
"So... all this time you had it?! You made us all go through that and made us thought that we'll actually find it?!" (Y/c) said angrily. He does have a point though.
"Uh... Yup."
"So, since were here... Can we have the Nomicon?" I asked him.
"Hmmm, Sure.... But..... OOooops!" NomiRandy said while he lets go of the Nomicon from his hands and it landed on the converter belt which was leading to the machine that made that loud sounds... which means that the Nomicon will be crushed and Randy won't ever get out of there. I have a feeling that NoimiRandy did that on purpose though.
"NOOO!" (Y/c) and I shouted at the both time. We both sprinted and run for the Nomicon but then a pile of garbage suddenly gushed in front of us which made us stopped.
"Tsk...Tsk... You're not getting it just yet, cause that would be boring." NomiRandy said.
"What? Do we like have to fight now?" (Y/c) asked. But then NomiRanndy went in and punched (Y/c). I guess that was a yes, As soon as he did that, I tried to punch NomiRandy but he ducked down and kicked me. I fell to the ground and stood up quickly. (Y/c) saw me and got angry, He rushed to NomiRandy and punched him right in the cheeks. It made him fell to the ground just like me but harder. Cause when he got up, he got blood dripping from his mouth. But he quickly wiped it away

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