.Unsuspecting Plot Twist.

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---Randy's POV---
Theresa and (Y/n) looked at me.
"What is it Ninja?! Can't you see I'm busy here?" Theresa said annoyed at me. Gotta make this quick.

"Randy isn't dead.." I said calmly.

"Oh Ninja... Don't believe this girl's lies... He's dead.... And I'm avenging him." Theresa said as she growled at (Y/n). But while she answered me (Y/n) tried to escape Theresa's grip on her, and she managed to get away from her but Theresa caught her by her arm and held it tightly as if she'll never let go of her. She's faster than (Y/n)... Stronger too... (Y/c) did a great job on that blue stank.

"But its not a lie... cause its true... HE'S NOT DEAD! TRUST ME, I KNOW SO!" I said shouting at her.

"How could you be so sure!? You know what... I'm not having this conversation with you Ninja... What do you know!? So, Excuse me..." Theresa said as she grabbed (Y/n) by the throat and lifted her up. (Y/n) struggled to get free... and Theresa was enjoying every minute of it.

I couldn't take this anymore...

I sprinted to them and ninja-chop her hand to let go of (Y/n), She was shocked and tried to get (Y/n) but I already got a hold of her hands.

"What the-...?! Let go of-..." Theresa said struggling to get free but at the same time, I got some handcuffs that I 'borrowed' from the cops earlier. I knew it was gonna be useful later on.. but Theresa tried to break them.

"Just look at me for sec would ya Theresa?!" I shouted. She stopped and just looked at me.

"Wait.. How'd you even know my name?!" Theresa demanded but not that calm.

"Cause...... I-"

Theresa starred at me waiting for my answer.


I took off my Ninja mask revealing my face and my normal clothes. "I'm Randy and I'm really sorry for everything I've done." 

Theresa put her hand on her mouth as she gasps. She was in full of shock, she even started to tear up.

"R-Randy is that really you?!" She said in disbelief.

"Its really me..." I said with a smile. 

"I know." She said as her smile turns into a smirk. What?! She knows?!


"I knew it. I was just waiting for you to say it, heard that (Y/c)?" 

(Y/c)!? What the juice!?

Suddenly, the flat screen on the wall turned on. And it showed (Y/c)'s face, with a smirk... Could someone explain this to me?

"Well, Great job Randy revealing that you're The REAL Ninja." He said as he claps slowly. "Good thing its not on camera broadcasting around Norrisville... Oh wait.... It is!" (Y/c) continued as he laughs manically. 

SHOOT! IT IS!? NO NO NO NO NO.... Nomicon is going to be so angry. 

"So... This was all a plan to blow my cover!?" I said as I got annoyed. If everyone in Norrisville saw that I was the Ninja, How can I erase their memories!? This is bad.

"Not to just blow your cover, but for revenge too..." Theresa said as she tries to break the handcuffs, and she successfully broke it too. In response to that, I held my Ninja mask and put t on my head.. And I was Ninja again.

"Revenge?! Why would you want revenge!? C'mon Theresa this ins't you anymore... Can't you see (Y/c) is using you!?"  I said reasoning her. Hope she opens her eyes and see the truth.

"I know he's using me. And I'm okay with that." 


"You're OKAY with it!? I mean, doesn't that make you-.." I started but then Theresa cut me off. AGAIN.

"Yeah, I mean, This doesn't change the fact that you still love (Y/n), and that's why I'm here.. for revenge." She said making a glare at me. I looked around us, and it seems like (Y/n) escaped the cheese out of here. Thanks for leaving me though.

But something strange happened. 

Theresa's dark blue eyes suddenly lit up with light blue.. followed by a gush of blue smoke coming from her. It swirled around her and I just embraced for impact, cause you know, This Theresa stanked with blue smoke! Her monster from got to be stronger than ever before.

"Destroy (Y/n)!" Theresa said with a monster voice.

And I was right, She wasn't her normal monster form... It was a big green plant-like monster that resembled a Venus fly trap and with her weapons which is her batons. The monster ran towards the door but threw Ninja ice balls at the door enough to make it stiff. 
Theresa gave me scowl and stated attacking me. Well, good thing she forgot about that revenge thing for now.. She tried to grab me with her vines but I managed to dodge it. But what I didn't expect was there was another vine that I didn't know, Theresa grabbed me and smashed me against the wall. 

But she didn't just stop there. 

Theresa smacked me at the floor too. Back and Forth. Wall to floor. Tried to escape, but she has total tight grip on me, not wanting me to escape. 

I'm beginning to feel light headed though.

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