Wait... Who's Birthday Is TODAY?!

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~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was walked out of my house feeling nostalgic and locked the door. (Y/c) had to come home since he got to take care of his grandma cause she got sick. What a caring person huh? I could understand that he had to go, but at my birthday? Nuh Uh... But since its an old person, I guess I could make an exception cause I honestly like old people. Sure they tell their stories again and again when they were a little child when they were a teenager but they're sweet. He's so lucky that he still have a grandma..... or parents too. I sighed and decided to be happy today instead of being sad of my parents death anniversary. Lately, I'm feeling a bit weak... But its okey. I'm still going to go to school. Its not like anything bad will happen anyway. Before (Y/c) left, he handed me his gift which I'm going to use now. 

Its a bike....

Well, it was my bike but then he tricked it out. And now, its even more awesome. Well, it WAS awesome before but he just level it up a bit. It may look like an ordinary bike but it sure ain't one. It had boosters hidden and it had weapons too, he said that to use it when I ONLY need to. I got on the bike and tried the boosters on... Who wouldn't though? Am I right? Even though it was a normal bike, I didn't expect it to be that fast. Let's just say I ended up crashing into a tree and walked out of there like a boss..... with a bike. I got my bike and take it to where they park other bikes, after that I locked it up and kept the key and went inside the school. 
As I was walking to my locker, I noticed someone leaning beside it. I looked closely and saw it was..... Randy? What's he doing there?! Could it be he remembered my birthday!?....
Just act cool...
 I walked closer and acted like he wasn't there until...
"Hey, (Y/n)!" He greeted with that smile of his. He looks kinda tense...
"Oh hey..." I said back casually.
"So... uh... Where's (Y/c)?"
Oh.... he doesn't know does he? ._.
"Oh uh... he was told that her grandma got sick so he went home for about five days I think. Why do you ask?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Oh Nothing..." He said as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. 
And there was an awkward silence while I was getting all of my books.
"So... uh... Do you remember what day today is?" I said just to break the ice or the silence. 
"Uhm... I assume its Friday." 
Great. He doesn't remember...
"I know that but, don't you remember anything else happening today?!" I said keeping my hopes up. He thought for a second and.....
"OH! I remember now!" He said. I KNEW HE DIDN'T FORGET! I was really happy for a sec when suddenly...
"Yeah! We have a group presentation on science later on! Thanks for reminding me! oh gotta dash. I'm late for math..." He said as he waved good bye and disappeared off into the halls...

Am I just going to be alone at my birthday?

Cause if it's like that... This is might be worst birthday ever. Oh wait, I'm used to that.

---Randy's POV---
Yes! (Y/c)'s not here! I could hang around her just for a little while. And there I was afraid of what might happen when (Y/c) sees me getting close to (Y/n). Good thing he's not here. HAH! 
But that's the good part, The bad part is that... (Y/c) has the Ninja mask and I don't know what to do. What if a monster attack the school?! What if a robot attack us?! 
I hope nothing goes today... ._.
Plus... I kinda noticed earlier that (Y/n) was a bit.... off. Like, she's not her usual self. You know, the happy girl I know. Nah, maybe she just forget to smile. YEAH! That might be the reason..
I'll just say something to her later when its time for science. 

I walked in the classroom and it looks like Mrs. Driscoll is late. I tried to spot where (Y/n) would be but she's not here.....
That's weird... She was so pumped up about this group presentation thing. So, I just went and sat at the empty second to the last back seat and hopefully she'll turn up. I waited for about a minute but then I got bored so I put my head down... 
And unexpectedly, I fell asleep.

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