~Chapter Six~

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~Next Day~

Daisuke P.O.V.

I have been coughing since last night. And my head hurts. What's happening?

"What does she mean by ....... 'you're coming with me.' ?"

That's weird I've never seen a ghost before in my life. But that ghost looks familiar. I know I saw that ghost before. When I was a kid.....I always wish to see my mom. Then suddenly I saw the ghost in the mirror looking at me. But she's not scary at all.

Maybe she's not a ghost. I think she's my guardian angel.

"can I ever see her again?" I asked to myself and continue staring at the ceiling.

Well today I'm at home taking some rest because I don't feel very well.

I hope this cough will be gone soon.

*knock Knock*

Hmm? Who could that be?

"Come in." I said

Then the door opens and....


"M-Masaru?...... What are you doing here?" I asked. "Silly......of course visiting my brother what else......are you expecting someone to come here do you?" He said with a smirk on he's face.

"What? Idiot! I'm not expecting someone to come......you should be in school today right?" I said. "Um actually......It's Sunday. And tomorrow we don't have classes until next week." He said.

Oh yeah.....I remember.

"Oh.....great now I forgot what today is." I said and looked away.

"You okay? Uncle Soryu said you're sick today? Did you get a cold last night?" He asked. "No......I don't know what actually happened." I said.

"Maybe you're just tired and stress." He said.

He put a small bag on the bed and opens it. He picked up a small container and opened it. Then I smell a delicious food.

"Why did you bring food here?" I asked "it's for you...... I hope you like it. I made this for you." He said and gives it to me.

"Oh.....thank you." I said. I put the container at the near table Then look back at him.

"Aren't you gonna eat......it's going to be cold." He said. "I'm not hungry." I said.

Masaru P.O.V.

That's strange. Every Time I visited him here when he was sick he always eat the food I bought for him. But why is he not eating it? Is he facing a problem or something?

"You should eat that......or else your stomach will hurt." I said. "I'll eat later. I kinda don't feel eating today." He said and lie's down from the bed.

How can I make him feel good today?

I sighed and looked at the nearby window.

I know......he always wanted to have an attention to dad. But dad just can't even acts like a father to him. I know Aunt Andi has a reason why she died. She died so Daisuke can live to see the real world.

Does dad want Aunt Andi than Daisuke?

"You should go home now.......your father must be looking for you." He said.

Father? Wait.....he didn't say Dad......

".......I'm not leaving here! I'll take you to dad." I said.

"And then what?! He'll be mad again if he saw me." He said.

Is he giving up already?

"Daisuke please don't give up. Dad might say sorry to you someday and accept you.....just come with me. I know you wanted to see him." I said.

I stood up and open he's closet.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Where going to my house so you can see dad."

😓To be Continue😓

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