Chapter Thirty-Four

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Eisuke POV

*Waahhh* *Waaah* *Waaah* 

I heard the sound of my son crying in his crib. My eyes felt heavy, that I couldn't even open them, but I can't ignore my son's cries. I slowly stood up and went straight to the crib, where Daisuke is. I immediately picked him gently and start making a formula. 


I turned around and saw my wife Andi, still half asleep. "Its okay Andi, I can take care of this, you should take a rest." I gave her a reassuring look that its okay for her to take the night off. She's been nursing Daisuke since he was born, she deserves a rest since she's been carrying him for 9 months, I still couldn't believe that I'm a father. As I finished the bottle, I went straight to the rocking chair near the crib and start feeding Daisuke. 

Everyone has kept on saying that he looks like me. Well, he is my son, after all, of course, he would look like me. It does start to make me wonder, what would he be like when he grows up? Would he have his mother's personality? My personality? Smarter than me? Kind-hearted? 

I look down and start caressing Daisuke's head, I just couldn't stop looking at him, he is so small, so fragile that I am scared to drop him. I'm glad to have a chance to have a family of my own. "I'll protect you with all of my life. You and your mother are my worlds. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you." 



I was in the office doing some paperwork until I heard a soft voice coming from the doorway. I look up and saw Daisuke with tears in his eyes, a scratch in his arm and a bleeding knee. I immediately stood up from my seat and went straight to Daisuke. "What happened to you? Did you run around the penthouse?" He put his head down, hiding his embarrassment. "I told you not to run around, you will hurt yourself. Give me your hand." He looked up to me and raises his hand to reach my hand, I held him tightly and took him to the living room. 

I told him to stay on the couch while I grabbed the medical kit. "Daddy, I'm sorry," he said apologetically. "Its okay, next time listen to daddy." 


"Daisuke, are you okay?" As I walk pass by the hallway, I heard Andi talking to Daisuke about something. I went straight to his room, I saw Andi sitting beside Daisuke with her arms wrapped around him. "I'm scared mom, what if I fail you in the future? I don't want to disappoint you and dad." I can see through in his eyes that he is afraid. "Its okay Daisuke, you shouldn't be scared. Your father and I are proud of you." "I know, I know. It's just, what if I won't be like dad? What if I won't be a good CEO like him?" 

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" 

Daisuke immediately looks up and saw me, his eyes went wide and start shaking his head. "It's not what it looks like dad. I'm just asking mom to help me with my assignment." How dare he lied to me. "I've heard everything Daisuke, don't you lie to me." His eyes went wide and looks away.  "I've told you if something worries you, tell me. I'm not a magician or a psychic." "I'm sorry dad, I just feel pressured since everyone is looking up to me, people who are expecting me to be like you. I know mom told me to be myself, but it's just you're the best of everything. I can't also do the things that you can do. What if I fail to run the business." 

"Since when did an Ichinomiya doubt himself?" 

I can't believe that my son is doubting himself, he is better than that. He doesn't have to be someone like me, I want him to grow up for who he is instead of being someone who is not. 



I just finished the meeting with the board executives regarding expansions of the hotel from different countries, I start even thinking about having an airship hotel, which Daisuke suggested. I thought of it as ridiculous, yet unique for a hotel. As I finish wrapping up, I saw Daisuke at the hallway and calls out for me. 

"You were not going to believe what happened!" 

He seems excited, I wonder what's going on?

"Well better make it quick, I got another meeting to attend to." 

"I got in!! I got accepted at the University of Cambridge!!" 

Daisuke grabbed a paper out from his jacket pocket and gave it to me, I look at it and saw that his application was successful. My eyes went wide, seeing my son going to the UK to study there. I can't believe he is growing up, he is now going to university and sooner he will experience adult life. 


As we exit the theatre, Daisuke runs up to me with his arms wide open. "Dad!" After a second, Daisuke is already in my arms. He just graduated from university and no doubt he managed to become a top student. Regardless of those late-night studies and sleepless nights, it is worth it. 

"Can you believe this dad?! Am I dreaming?!" 

I pinch his cheek hard and he screamed in pain. "Oww! You don't have to do that dad!" "Well, you asked me if you're dreaming." He chuckled and looked away to hide his embarrassment. "I just can't believe that you're going to face adulthood." "But I'm still your baby boy, right?" He looked at me with a big smile on his face. "Keep dreaming!" 

Well, he is my son. He will always be my son. 






"Mr. Ichinomiya?" 

I felt my eyes heavy, I never felt this tired for so long. I notice that the ceiling is different from my room. Am I? Sleeping in the waiting room?

I sat up and saw a nurse in front of me. "Mr Ichinomiya, your son is okay, but the doctor suggests to keep him indoors." "I'm sorry, it's my fault for letting him go out in his room." 

"Well, we as parents want our child to be happy." As the nurse left, I felt my chest aching, knowing that its all just a dream. 

The dream, does that mean? If I didn't abandon him, will our life together will be the same in the dream? 

I can feel my whole body trembling like I'm having a Deja Vu. It is the same feeling where I've lost Andi, feeling her hands turned cold, I can't believe that I'm getting the same anxiety again. I never even thought of feeling Daisuke's hand turn cold. 

Wait... Wait!!

I can't. 

I can't do this! 

I can't lose him again, there has to be some other way. 

If only you're here Andi, I don't know what to do. 

To be continued....


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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