~Chapter Nine~

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Daisuke P.O.V.

When Masaru and I got to Uncle Luke's place. Uncle look at me with worried look on he's face he told me to sit down then I follow he's orders.

"What's the problem?" He asked. "Well....I....Uh....Because...."

"He's coughing blood Uncle." Masaru quickly join the talk while I remain quiet. Uncle Luke look at me then he asked. "Since when did you cough blood?" He asked "well I cough blood since yesterday until now." I said. Then he nodded.

What's going to happen now?

"Looks like you have Hemoptysis. Good thing you told me already about this." He said then he told me that he was going to examine me for awhile then he contacts uncle Soryu. For me.

Masaru P.O.V.

My phone suddenly rings then I saw it that it's dad. I told Uncle Luke and Daisuke that I will go outside to answer the phone. They nodded and continue for what are they doing.

When I got out from the clinic I quickly answer dad's call.

Phone Convo

Masaru: Hello?
Eisuke: Where are u?
Masaru:I'm on my way home now dad.
Eisuke: better hurry up and pack your things were going to Dubai for a business meeting.
Masaru: Okay dad bye.

End of phone convo

Well dad needs me but I can't leave Daisuke here but I heard that Uncle Soryu will come here. I should tell Daisuke that I need to go. After I put back my phone to my pocket I went back to the clinic then I saw Daisuke is resting at the near bed.

"Don't worry Masaru he'll be okay." Uncle Luke said. "Is the Hemoptysis is deadly?"

"No.....but....if he didn't tell us early it might get worst." He said "what do you mean? Like an another sickness?" I asked "yes....like Tuberculosis....and also it can lead to cancer too if he didn't treat it."

Tuberculosis? And Cancer? And any other sickness?! Wait..... I know he's not gonna let that happen. He'll do he's best to remove this Hemoptysis.

"He's going to be okay if he treats it well and always drink medicine right?" I asked. "Yes....."

I look back to Daisuke that he looks pretty tired. I know he's been trying to ask dad to spend time with him and still he's doing it until now. He already has a problem with the family and now he started to have a problem to he's own self. I hope he didn't let the disease grow.

"Okay.....Tell him that take care and always drink medicine." I said Uncle Luke nodded then I started to leave the clinic.

When I left the clinic I saw a car park then I saw Uncle Soryu got out from the car.

"Where's Daisuke?!" He said "He's inside resting."

"Thank you Masaru." He said and pats my head lightly and went inside the clinic.

I sighed heavily and went back home because I know dad is waiting for me.

Soryu P.O.V.

When I burst open the door I saw Daisuke there lying. I got closer to him to check maybe that he has a fever and notice that he was normal. I sigh with relief but it didn't take long I notice he's handkerchief with red stains.

"He has a Hemoptysis Soryu."

I turn around and saw Luke. "Hemoptysis?" "Yes....well he's been coughing blood and also I'm going to take some test to him .... To check if he has an other disease." He said

So that's why he looks pale last night. I look back to Luke and bow my head. "Thank you....we should better go Now." I said. I picked up Daisuke and carry him out of the. Clinic while Luke help me to put him at the front seat of the car .... After that we started to leave while Luke will examine some blood test on him.

When we got back home I put down Daisuke at the bed. I hope he doesn't get any disease. I hope he'll be okay. He has a lot hopes and dreams.....he must do it first before he dies.

I should do the responsibility as a real parent nowZ no matter this disease become worst I'll be there for him.

Because he's like a son to me now.

I will take care of him Andi.....ill be the one who will replace Eisuke.

🤖To be Continue🤖

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