chapter one.

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P A R T O N E.

Multimedia Julian Alejandro Rivera.
additional facts: 15 yrs old, Sophomore, Single, and he's fully gay.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Subway Train 8:20 am.

"First day back and we're already late." Jamie mutters kissing his teeth with his arms folded across his chest. "Sorry, I couldn't decide what outfit I wanted to wear!" I release a heavy sigh rolling my eyes back before shifting to the side and glancing out the subway train window.

"It's whatever. We're almost there anyway." Jamie places his head up against the glass of the window looking at the approaching  light at the end of the tunnel ahead. "We gotta dip as soon as this damn train stops." I  nod my head along glancing past him; my gaze landing on a really cute light skinned dude sitting a few seats down. Dark curly hair, clear skin with a slight beard and muscular arms covered in a couple tatts.

Yum, just my type... But somehow he seems very familiar... I think I remember seeing him around school before. He's a junior I believe... Andy?.... Anthony is it?... Wait no, Andre! Yeah, that's his name. He lifts his head from his phone meeting my gaze and being the friendly person I am, I flash him a warm smile. Suddenly, my grin begins to fade as he critically looks me up and down and starts to chuckle turning away and gazing back down to his phone.

I let out a loud sigh turning my head away and tuning back in to the window view. Honestly, that's nothing new. Boys always laugh at me or make fun if me because the way I am... I get bullied a lot in school because people don't think it's okay for a boy to wear crop tops and short shorts but that doesn't stop me.🤗

None of their hate fazes me... Why should it? I'm still gonna live my life with my head held high and do whatever the fuck I want. The bus comes to a sudden stop jerking me forward and snapping me out of my thoughts. Jamie jumps to his feet in one swift motion making his way over to the metal slide doors. "Come on Julian, we got like 10 minutes until the bell rings and I haven't even met up with my niggas yet."

Me and my brother weren't the perfect siblings, we argue sometimes, we fight sometimes, but we also had our good moments. I'll always love him no matter what, we're super close and he.'a always there for me when I'm down. Sitting up from my seat, I dust myself off and make my way over to my brother as the electric doors woosh open.

Jamie speeds out of the the train clinging tightly onto the straps of his backpack as he makes his way over to the staircase dodging all of the passing people. "Ugh, wait up damn it." I shout over at him quickly scattering behind as he jogs up the staircase leaving the underground. The hot August air hits me like a slap in the face and I raise my hand above my head attempting to block the blinding rays out of my eyes.

Gerald Saint High begins to appear awhile don the street and I rush  over to Jamie stopping at his side with a mouthful of deep breaths. "Remember what I told you Julian," Jamie places his arm around my shoulder looking sternly down into my eyes. "If anyone tries to mess with you, just ignore them. Leave the drama in freshman year, we don't need that shit... But if someone puts their hands on you, you call me, I'll be right there. Ok?"

I nod my head glimpsing down at my feet and he removes his arm from my shoulder as we begin to near the school spotting his group of friends. I hate that he always has to deal with boys always talking about me, I hate that my baggage always gets tossed on him. "Well, I'll see you." He murmurs flashing me a wide smile before jogging away onto the grassy lawn.

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