chapter nineteen.

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Multimedia Daniel Young.

Jamie Rivera's POV:
Francey's House 9:24 am.

I release a loud sigh gazing up at the dull two story building above. The grass on the lawn was long overgrown and the paint on the outerwalls of the apartment was slightly chipped. I've never been to Francey's house before... But this situation with his father is getting out of hand. Fuck what my mama said, Francey's moving in with me. I'm not gonna sit here letting my baby remain a victim of rape. Stuffing my hands into my pocket, I slowly trudge down the cement pathway leading to the doorsteps.

Jogging up them, a deep breath escapes my lips as I raise my right hand pressing the doorbell. An indistinct chime sonars from inside throughout the door and I hear loud shuffling before a raspy voice. Suddenly the voice cuts off and there's nothing but total silence. What if he's in there touching my baby right now?... I'm not gonna let this shit happen, only dick that Francey will be taking is mines. I ball my fists flaring my nostrils and raise my hand once again pounding it against the metal door. "Open the fuck up!"

Just as I'm about to knock again, the door swings open and Francey stands in the door frame with widened eyes as they land on me. "What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be at school?" He twists his head around looking back inside the house before stepping out onto the porch with me closing the door quietly behind him.

"Shouldn't you? And to come get you away from you're father. You ain't staying here yo, I don't give a fuck. I'm not gonna let you sit in this house and have this nigga touching all over you, hell no." His eyes begin to water and he puts his head down looking at his feet while he fidgets with his fingers.

"B-but Jamie... What you don't understand is that, that's my dad... I don't wanna see him behind bars, he's all I really have left... Your mom doesn't even want me in her house anymore so why'd you even come?...You should leave, my dad doesn't like guests..." Is this boy for real?!

I extend my arm outwards gripping tightly onto his wrist. "You're gonna get your ass in that house and you're going to pack your bags ok? And since you wanna be so damn stubborn, when we get back to my place daddy's gonna get his belt and teach you a lesson...😼 Maybe even give you some of this pipe too."

Letting go of his wrists, I give him a slight shove and he nods his head glancing back towards the door. "Just stay here alright?" I nod my head watching as he rotates the knob silently reopening the door and enters before turning to close it behind him. I hope he doesn't think I'm letting him go back in this place alone.😹

Quickly stuffing my right foot into the crack in the door, I push it open entering after him. "Jamie, please... My father, he's dangerous." I give him a heavy shrug before reaching outwards and pulling his body closer to mines by his tiny waist.

"Not here Jamie, stop..." Hardheadedly, I cave my face into the crook of his neck softly suckling onto his skin while I let my hands wander down to his ass grazing his giant bubble. Man whenever I see the kid I just can't control myself... Don't matter the place, don't matter the time.😩

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