chapter seventeen.

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Multimedia Andre Santos.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Julian's House 4:11 pm.


I nervously bite down on my bottom lip watching as Andre slowly trudges over to me; his erect cock swinging from side to side. A smirk plastered across his face, he kneels down on my bedside raising his hands to grip tightly onto my thighs. Pulling me closer, he gazes up into my eyes then down at my briefs licking his top lip.

I was totally ready for this... He's the perfect guy and who knows if I'll ever get a chance like this again.😹 I wanna give myself to him... I need to give myself to him... I twine my small arms around his neck glancing deeply back into his eyes and he raises his right hand placing it against my cheek while slowly leaning in. Placing his lips against mines, he let's his left hand wander up my thigh all the way up to the waistband of my briefs.

Tilting my head to the side, I move my lips in rhythm with his sliding my hands up the back of his head and running my fingers through his curls. He pulls away from the kiss looking down at my lips while he bites down on his and leans back in giving me a quick peck. "I just wanna make you feel good." He whispers in that abyss deep voice of his as he begins to squat down between my legs.

I give him a slight nod laying by head back and releasing a deep breath. This better not hurt... I begin to squirm feeling as his  cold fingers make their way into my briefs and trickle down the outside of my flower. "Stay still." He demands grabbing tightly onto my waist with his free hand holding me in place. I take a deep gulp nodding my head up and down and close my eyes shut as he tugs my underwear off of me.

A wide simper forms across his pink lips as he notices the small circular drip spot in the crotch area of my undies. He raises it to his nose inhaling deeply before throwing it to the floor and licking his lips hungrily. I watch closely as he places both of his palms onto my thighs tilting his head downwards beginning to trail small kisses up the bridge of my cooter. I  tilt my head back letting out soft moans as his top lip slightly rubs against my clit.

"Damn you moaning already?" He raises his head chuckling loudly and I roll my eyes back extending my right arm and pushing his face back between my legs. He sticks his tongue all the way out starting to glide it up and down the face of my vagina at a slow pace. I slide my hands up the bottom of my shirt rubbing the pad of my thumbs frantically against my nipples releasing high pitched moans into the air.

Andre slowly slithers his warm wet tongue inside my cave and I place my hand down on top of his head softly tugging on his hair as he begins to wiggling himself inside me. "D-daddyyyyy." I moan out biting down on my bottom lip. It was like no pleasure I had ever felt before. No shower faucet or dry finger could match the power of my mans tongue. He shoves his mouth stick deeper inside my entrance making my throw my head back and squeal. I don't want him to ever stop....

He begins to tongue fuck me at a steady pace looking sensually up into my eyes while letting his fingers roam my other hole. Rubbing the outside of it with the pad of his thumb, he continues to drill his long tongue in and out of me placing soft pecks against my labia each time he shoves back in. I raise my hands from my side placing both of them into his curls as I push his head deeper inside me breathing heavily.

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