chapter twenty-six.

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Multimedia Julian Rivera.

Alina Perez's POV:
Gerald Saint High 12:06 am.

"OOP, girl. Looks to me like you got your man snatched from you by that little faggot again." Brianna mutters shaking her head from side to side with her top lip curled upwards and continuing to glimpse past me in direction of the back of the cafeteria. "W-what?" I make a quick 180 degree turn focusing in on what she was looking at.

What the hell?! Why is that toad ass Fresno boy all up on my Jamie?! I mean, we haven't talked these past few days but I only thought that was because of what happened last time I was over his house... "Whatever, that fruit cake can have him. I'm not gonna waste my time on a nigga who doesn't know what parts he's attracted to."

"So you're just gonna let him disrespect you like that girl? He's bold as fuck to be all up on his lap when you and him where just all coupled up earlier this week." Samantha turns her attention away from Jamie and Fresno behind us back to me giving me a quick nod. "Girl if I was you, I'd be all up in that unicorns face. He probably think he's the shit right now, stealing boyfriends isn't cute."

Me and Jamie weren't really dating but I feel like we were working towards it. I stopped fucking with other niggas for him and this is how he's gonna do me?! That's real fucked up. Samantha's right. "Yeah, I gotta couple words for his cum bucket ass." Hopping up from my seat, all the girls at my table begin to loudly laugh and shout cheering me on causing almost everyone's attention in the cafeteria to turn to me.

Starting in direction of their table in the back, I gain eye contact with Julian and he furrows his brows reaching across the table and tapping his brother. I'm not finna let this little gay boy embarrass me again. His home wrecking ass is gonna get what he deserves. Jamie shifts his gaze from Reiko towards me and straightens himself up lightly pushing Francey from his lap; exchanging his smile for a more stern expression.

"So when was you gonna tell me you was fucking with this armpit face ass bitch again?! You was all up in this pussy about a week ago, what changed?!" I shout grower nearer and nearer to his side of the table. Francey's eyes widen and he shifts from me then back to Jamie with a shocked expression plastered upon his face.

"Alina get the fuck outta my face with that, you always trying to cause unnecessary drama. Clearly I'm not worried about you shawty, so why you worried about me?" See, I knew I shouldn't have canceled my dick appointment with Ronnie... Jamie ain't nothing but a bitch nigga. I'm tired of this shit.

"Do I have to slap you in front of everyone again Jamie? I only had plans on giving your little bitch right there a good smack but if you want one too that's fine. I got two hands on me." He shakes his head from side to side climbing out of the table bench out gripping onto Francey's wrist. "C'mon baby. I don't got time for this crap."

If he thinks he's walking out of here without me getting my two cents in, he got another thing coming. "Sit your mother fucking ass down!" I shout setting my arm outwards and colliding the back of my palm with Jamie's right cheek. Around us the whole cafeteria grows silent and I watch as Jamie slowly lifts his head; his face turning a bright red. "You damn lucky you're a girl! But just watch, I got something else coming for your hoe ass."

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