chapter twenty.

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Multimedia Julian Rivera.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Julian's House 6:00 am.

Ern, ern, ern, ern. A loud grunt escapes my lips as the glass shattering screeches from the alarm continue to blare throughout my bedroom. I barely even got any sleep last night... But maybe because I couldn't get Erick off my mind... Cracking my eyes open, I glance across the room taking in my surroundings before my gaze finally lands on a cheesing Jamie with bright balloons in his right hand while his left is twined across Francey's waist, and my mother with a white cake in her palms; unlit candles sticking through the creamy surface. "Happy Birthday Chicharito!🎉" My mother shouts quickly making her way through my doorframe and over to the side of my bed.

A wide grin takes my face and I sit up from my slouch laying my back up upon the cold wooden headboard. "Aww, you guys.😭 Thank you so much." Leaning across my bedside, I plant a small peck onto my mothers cheek as she scrambles through her right pocket before shortly after, finally retrieving a small lighter. "Happy Birthday Little Bro." Jamie mutters ambling over to the opposite side of my bed and extending his right arm. Taking the balloons from his hands, I flash him a toothy smile before turning back to my mother.

She runs the pad of her thumb across the gear of the lighter making a small fiery orange wave of light flicker against the shadows of the room. Holding it above the cake, she slowly lights each of the sixteen candles before shoving the lighter back into her pocket. "You ready?" Jamie asks lifting his head in direction of my mother. She nods her head holding the cake above my lap before parting her lips as she goes into song.

"Cumpleaños feliz
Cumpleaños feliz
Te deseamos todos
Cumpleaños feliz"

I place my palm upon my lips to stop from smiling so hard. This was the cutest thing ever. If only I had Andre here to sing to me too, it would've been perfect. "Blow out your candles grandpa." Francey emits before letting out a short giggle. "Hey, I'm only a couple months older than you and if anything, I'd be your brother in law.😹" My mother lets out a deep exhale rolling her eyes back and slightly jerks the cake in front of me trying to grasp my attention. "My arms are getting tired Mijito, blow the candles! Blow!"

I raise my cheeks cackling softly over at my mother before tilting my head downwards, hovering above the cake. Puckering my lips together, I deeply inhale before beginning to blow. Whipping the flames from the wax sticks, I raise my head with a wide beam as they all begin to clap their hands. "Do you want a piece or would you rather wait till later?" My mother asks dipping her index finger into the icing of the cake and plopping it down at the peak of my nose. A chuckle falls from my lips and I raise my hand wiping the frosting off my face. "Later, I need to get ready." I murmur pulling the cover back and sliding my lower half across the bed.

A shiver runs up my spin as the cold air hits my freshly shaven legs ( yesss girl, you already know! Giving legs and thighs like ice cream and piessss.😛)and I stand to my feet raising my arms above my head going into a heavy stretch. Sixteen. I honestly don't really even feel any different but at least now I'm eligible to get my own whip. My mother, brother and Francey trail out of my bedroom and into the hall leaving me in the darkness of my bedroom.

The sun still hasn't fuller risen and the only reason why I'm even up so early is because ya boy can't just show up on his birthday looking a mess. These brows finna get fleeked the fuck up, these hoes won't know what hit em.💅 Suddenly the hook of "2 phones" by Kevin Gates begins to sonar from my phone indicating a call. Twisting myself around, I yank my phone from off the charger and slide my finger across the screen before placing the device at my ear. "Hello?"

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