chapter twenty-seven.

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Multimedia Andre Santos.

Daniel Young's POV:
Anthony's House 2:04pm.

"About time you showed up my nigga, I been waiting for damn near two hours since you called." Anthony stands from the other side of the door with a huge mean mug plastered upon his face. "Man, shut up." I retort back stuffing my hands into my hoodie pockets and kissing my teeth as I enter the doorframe brushing past him. "Well come right in." He utters in a sarcastic tone rolling his eyes back and closing the front door shut.

"Your mom home or what?" I ask sizing him up and down while I hungrily glide my tongue across my bottom lip. "Nah, she just clocked out about an hour ago. Why?" I know leading him on isn't the right thing to do but man, but after reading those tweets he been posting lately, I'm scared he's gonna spill something I've been tryna keep on the low. "I been missing that ass lately." I half lie placing my hand down over the crotch area of my sweats.

He shakes his head from side to side folding his arms across his chest with a soft chuckle. "So what the hell does that mean? I'm just supposed to forget that you completely used me for sex then just ditched me so you could go play fake father with Julian? Man fuck you, don't make me tell that little tranny the truth."

"Woah, woah, woah. Chill out Ant. You know I never used you, so why would you even say that? The sex we had was intimate, it was real. And you already know the Julian situation, you know how I feel about him... If you really love me like you say you do baby, you wouldn't tell him." Stepping forward, I curl my fingertips underneath his chin gazing down into his glossy hazel eyes.

Man if Julian ever found out what really went down the night of his party, he'd never talk to me again... If I wanna finally make him mines one day, I'm gonna have to keep Anthony's mouth shut. And the only way to do that is to keep making him think I share the feelings he has for me and to give him this dick every once and awhile...

"Promise me Anthony. Julian can't know... Don't think I don't care about you because I do... You're my babyboy. I just care about him a lot too." Anthony understandingly nods his head up and down letting his eyes descend from my mines and down at the ground. "I promise Daniel... But only because I love you and I know you'd never really purposely hurt me..."

Sliding my fingers from the belly of his chin up to the apple of his cheek, I slowly gait forward closing in the space between us. Eyes closed shut, I gently press my lips against his massaging the pad of my thumb across his right cheekbone in short stroking motions. He gradually warms up to the kiss slightly tilting his head to the left and moving his lips with the rhythm of mine. My free hand creeps down the curve of his hips before finding it's way at the base of his bottom.

Cupping his lower ass cheek firmly into my palm, I lift my tongue from its place behind my bottom row of teeth letting it slither it's way into Anthony's welcoming mouth. Julian is all that crosses my mind as I begin to tussle and contend my tongue with his; our salivas fusing and swishing from mouth to mouth. "D-Daniel..." He purrs out lifting his right leg up onto my lower hip.

Leisurely breaking free from the osculation, I flutter my eyes open locking them intently with his. Letting my palm fall from his face and down to his thigh, I lift him off of his feet and with my other hand, pull him fully up onto my waist into a cradling position. His eyes never leave mine nor mine do the same as he twines his arms across my neck. It's Julian I wish to hold, kiss, rub, make love too. If only in this moment it was him and not Anthony... But I know with the things I've done in the past, that even becoming a reality is nothing but far fetched.

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