chapter eighteen.

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Multimedia Erick Miliano.

Jamie Rivera's POV:
Jamie's House 4:07 pm.

Francey stops grinding turning his head in direction of my mothers voice.  In panic, I quickly pull myself out of Francey and push him down onto the spot of the couch beside me. "Chulo?..." I twist my head back glancing over at my mother as she stands in the living room doorframe glancing over at Francey then back at me with a raised brow.

"Hey mom, how was work. I missed you." I mutter trying to sound as nonchalant as possible while I slowly grab the blanket from beside me pulling it over me and Francey's lower halves. She places her hand against her hip shaking her head from side to side. "Do you think I'm estúpida? Penedejo, maybe you should remind Francey to stop leaving his underwear around. Since this isn't the first time..."

Francey lowers his head fidgeting with his fingers. I hope he doesn't think this is his fault... My mother makes her way around the couch and gazes down at us with a stern expression. I've gotten in trouble countless times before but I don't think anything could match up to this... "If this is what's going to happen when I'm not home, Francey is going to need to go back with his family. I will not allow you two to coger cada cerebros otros cabo while I'm gone." What the hell man... She'll never let Francey over after this shit...

"On my brand new couch!... Just like your father, diablo." She leans in forcefully smacking me across the top of my head. I grit my teeth as her hand collides with my forehead. She might look old but this bitch could sure give a heavy wack.🌚 Looking past her down at the ground, I release a soft sigh. "Mama, I'm sorry..." She folds her arms across her chest glaring down at me.

"Where is your hermano?" Ohhhh shit. If she catches Andre up there with Julian she will lose her mind. "He went over Jaliea's house. Said something about a history project..." I emit giving her a shrug. "See, you should be more like Julian, get good grades. Not bajar y sucio with your boyfriend." She rolls her eyes back ambling away into the kitchen. Be like Julian?😭 Man, if she only knew...

"See, I told you this wouldn't last." I watch as Francey reaches outwards grabbing his pair of briefs from the floor and quickly pulling them over his legs before standing up. "I'm gonna have to go back with that man... Jamie I-I'm scared..." I jump to my feet wrapping my arms around Franceys small torso. "You ain't going nowhere baby... Fuck what my mama said. I ain't letting you go back in that house man."

He slightly nods his head looking down at our feet. Raises one hand from his side, I place it underneath his chin pointing his face towards mines. "He ain't ever gonna touch you again. Francey, I think it's time that we tell someone about this... This is rape, this is serious. He could go to jail for a long time."

Franceys eyes widen and he slowly shrinks back stepping away from me. "No. No no no. We can't Jamie. Do you know what he'll do if I tell?! He'll kill me, and you!" Wow, this nigga really got my baby all twisted up... Ain't no one gonna do shit. I'm tired of keeping this a secret, that bozo belongs in the slammer. Maybe he'll meet a couple niggas who'll treat him how he treats Francey. Get a taste of his own medicine...

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