chapter twenty-three.

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Multimedia Andre Santos.

Jamie Rivera's POV:
Subway Train 7:43 am.

I hop up out of the stiff plastic seat as the train comes to a sudden stop, lifting the strap of my backpack up upon my shoulder blade, I start towards the slide doors closest to my left as they vastly whoosh open. Stepping out onto the crowded concrete, people spiral left and right brushing past in course of their destinations. 

Black, blues, and reds cover the once glossy walls of the subway station in curvy lettering. I call it art, others  would would prefer the word vandalism. Circling past a group of snickering college kids, I make my way towards the dark staircase jogging beside the metal handrail until the bright sun rays hit my cheek indicating I've reached the street. 

Lowering my head as I quickly glance at my watch upon my wrist, I begin to speed walk down the street realizing there's only 12 minutes left of breakfast. I had plans on getting my morning release with Alina in the teachers lounge while they all chaperoned inside the cafeteria or set up their routine for the day inside their classrooms. I know hitting her yesterday was wrong to do but damn that bitch got a mouth on her.

It was so easy with Francey,  he was probably the perfect boyfriend. He wouldn't start unnecessary drama, he wouldn't open his legs for the whole school to take a spin on, he-

Why am I sitting here thinking about Francey when all he did was go stab me in the back and go mess around with that potatohead... Shaking my head from side to side, I push away the thoughts away digging down into my left pocket and pressing the pad of  my thumb against the volume button tuning it to its maximum.

Slowing down a bit as I reach the school, I run my fingertips through my deep curls stepping onto the brick pathway. Just as I near the double doors, an oh so familiar voice fills my ears resonating from behind. "JamAndHam!" Only one person calls me that and it hasn't been since middle school days. Doing a complete 180, I turn to face a cheesing Reiko as he jogs in my direction with his palm outreached.

"Rei McPee!" I shout back as he clasps his palm with mines dapping me up with that same little half smirk upon his lips I used to remember. "Bro what you doing here? I ain't seen your ass since like way back. Since that time we snuck a camera in the girls locker room and you got expelled for that shit." I murmur trying to catch my breath from cackling so much. He wraps his arm across my shoulder shaking his head from side to side chuckling loudly as we start in direction of the doors.

"Man, I got kicked out of Ace for pulling a pocket knife out on a nigga. He was talking smack about my momma, you know I don't play that shit." I nod my head up and down slightly grinning to myself as all our old memories begin to resurface my mind.  He was my best friend yo, we was like Spongebob and Patrick.. It hurt like shit  when I found out he was going to another school. "Aye, this finna be lit as hell. I missed you bro, for real." Lifting my head towards his, I flash his a wide grin as I reach outwards yanking the door open.

He places his fingertips above mines holding the door pushed outwards and gestures for me to go forward giving me a quick wink as my eyes meet his. Folding my arms promptly against my chest, I step forward ducking my head underneath Reiko's arm only to be set surprised as his other palm roughly slams down onto my lower behind.

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