chapter thirteen.

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Multimedia Andre Santos.

Andre Santos's POV:
Julian's House 8:14 pm.

"Are you alright baby?" I ask leaning down and planting a small peck against Julian pink lips. "Yeah. They didn't get to do anything to me so I'm okay I guess. Just a little shooken up." Man, I can't believe they tried to rape my baby. I don't give a fuck what Erick did, as soon as Monday comes, I'm beating all their asses.

"Daddy got you ight? Don't stress... Trust me, I ain't ever leaving your side after this shit." Tightly gripping onto his waist, I pull him onto my lap letting my hands wander down to his ass cheeks. "I love you Julian, you know that right?" A grin forms across his lips as he nods his head up and down. "Yes, and I love you so much more papi.💗"

I lay my head back against his pillows biting down on my bottom lip. "Man you better stop calling me that... Fucking me on & shit.😩😈" Julian giggles before leaning in and whispering softly into my ear. "Is that so bad?" He places his hand down onto the bulge in my jogging pants rubbing it back and forth. Damn I wanna fuck him so bad... I lick my lips sliding my hands into his shorts and cup his cheeks in my hands giving them a slight squeeze. "Julian, baby... Lemme get some."

He quickly pulls his hand away snickering and shakes his head climbing off my lap. "Don't get slick boy. C'mon, don't we have a date to go too?" Man he's fucking playing.😩 I was tryna get all up in them cheeks. Have his shit clapping against this dick. "Yeah, c'mon let's go." I let out a deep breath climbing off the bed and standing to my feet.

I had something real special planned for lil dude. Reaching outwards, I interlock my fingers with his starting towards the door. He tilts his head upwards glancing over at me with a raised brow. "Where exactly are we going papi?" He asks in a curious tone. Slowly making our way down his hallway I stop at the top of the staircase sweeping him off his feet bridal style. "You just gotta wait and see baby." He begins to turn bright red and closes his eyes laying his head against my chest. So fucking cute man... Slowly climbing down the steps, I rock Julian from side to side smiling down at him.

"Where y'all about to go?..." A voice says from behind the couch. I tilt myself  in direction of the living room spotting Jamie as he lays in a pile of blankets with Francey in his arms. Julian lifts his head from my chest rolling his eyes back at Jamie. "Don't worry, we'll be back by 10 dad." He utters in a sarcastic tone. Jamie clenches his jaw glaring over at Julian and I twist myself around cackling as I stroll towards the door. Releasing one hand from underneath Julian, I reach out twisting the lock and turn the metal knob clockwise letting the chilly September night air.

"It's cold daddy..." Julian's coos snuggling up against my chest. He's such a little baby.😹 My baby.💗 Closing the door behind me, I jog down the cement door steps jolting towards my 2016 Black Matte Range Rover. Opening the passenger side door, I stuff Julian into the seat and jog over to the drivers side. Tonight was gonna be amazing... But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still a lil scared about going on a date with a dude.

Digging into my pocket, I pull out my keys and shove it into the keyhole starting the engine. "Nice car daddy." Julian emits pressing the button on the side of his door to recline his seat. "Thank you babe." I couldn't wait to let him know how I felt about him tonight but first, I need to make a quick stop. Putting the cars gear from park into drive, I begin to steer my way down the street in route to the cemetery.

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