chapter eleven.

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Multimedia Julian Rivera.

Francey Valentino's POV:
Gerald Saint High 3:26 pm.

I release a deep sigh as the school bell rings indicating the end of the day. I know what awaits me when I get home... My drunk of a father. My brother has it easy, dad loves him. Takes him out to dinner, buys him everything he wants. But it's different with me... Different all because I'm a "faggot".

As my father says, "Faggots don't deserve to be treated equally, they're the scum of the earth and should all be weeded out before they continue to spread their homosexual plague". Ever since mom died, I've been treated like nothing but a blow up doll. When in mourn, my father comes into my room demanding pleasure and could I possibly say no? Ah ah. Never... Not unless I want I to get sent to the hospital again like last summer...

He hit me so hard... There were bruises, scratches, cuts... wherever you could look. The doctors knew something was up but he made me tell them that i got attacked by the local dog down the street and if I told a soul, he'd do it again.

I wish I could tell someone... Maybe get some help. But I can't. I won't. They'll just see me as weak and nothing but a cum bucket. "Why don't you come over tonight? We could maybe chill, watch a couple movies.... fuck?" I turn my head towards Jamie snapping out of my thoughts and flash him a fake smile.

"Well, I'd really love too but not tonight." I mutter looking past him at the ground as we make our way to the subway station. "It's ight, maybe you could just sneak me over your crib or something." He wraps his arm across my shoulder leaning down to peck my lips. I pull away from his peck shaking my head from left to right. "No no no. I-I can't. I'm sorry Jamie but I gotta go." Brushing his shoulder off of me, I jog down the street as tears begin to fill my sockets. What will he think if he finds out? Will he see me differently? Making my way down the staircase, I enter the station breathing heavily.

In my pocket, my phone begins to vibrate sonaring Justin Bieber. I exhale loudly digging down into my pocket putting the screen up into range. Jamie's name pops up and behind him a picture plastered of us kissing. I remember that day... It was the day we first ever hooked up. Wiping my tears away I decline the call and stuff my phone back into my pocket starting towards the train.

I need to man up. I'm not gonna let a sadistic lost case take control over my body all because he's stuck over my mother. I'm saying no this time. I don't care about the consequences. Hit me, I dare him. Won't be so hard to dial that three digit number...


"Oh whatever, you'll never meet anyone with a stroke game like me.😈" Andre mutters as we slowly trail away from the school. "Hm, well I'll just have to see." He forms a simper across his face trailing his hands from my waist down to my ass. Squeezing them slightly, he leans in gliding his tongue up my neck and I pull away giggling loudly. "Wow Dre, you really tryna get down and dirty in public?"

He chuckles giving me a slight shrug. "So I was thinking, I'll come over later tonight and we can maybe make out for a bit or whatever then I wanna sneak you out and we're gonna go on a little date. How you feel bout that shawty?" Wow, this would be our first ever date...😇 "It sounds amazing Dre. I love it." I utter excitingly.

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