chapter twenty-four.

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Multimedia Reiko Juan-Jose Delarosa & Jamie Rivera.
additional facts: 16 yrs old, Sophomore, Single, and he's bisexual.

Francey Valentino's POV:
Reiko's House 3:46pm.

Cranning my head in a complete 180 degree motion, I glance across Reiko's bedroom as he hops up onto his black wool comforter pulling his backpack from off of his shoulders and tossing it to the floor. "Sit down." He emits patting the spot beside while kicking off his nike slippers pulling out his phone from his side pocket. I won't lie, Reiko's attractive as hell but I know if we do anything Jamie will never forgive me and why give him yet another reason not to. Although they don't know each other, I wouldn't wanna mess up any bit of a chance I might have. Who knows, maybe he'll forget about the situation soon and we can possibly get back together...

"I came over here strictly to study Reiko. Remember. Plus, I just met you today, what makes you think I'm the type to just wanna open up my legs to some random boy I just met... I don't even know your middle name." I blurt out quickly glancing away from him and nervously down at my hands fidgeting with my fingers. He furrows his brows upwards and his eyes grow wider and wider as the words splurge from my lips. This boy needs to know I came over here to give notes, not bussy!

"Wait, what makes you think I'm the type of nigga to just go around sticking my dick in any random boy I just met?... And it's Juan-Jose by the way." He shakes his head from side to side shifting away from me and back to his phone typing away. I sit there staring blankly down at my feet, lost of words to say. Welp, I totally just made a complete fool of myself in front of the new kid, I guess having friends in high school just isn't for me...

He throws his phone down beside him releasing a loud cackle into the air breaking the heavy silence. "Yo, you getting dumb tight right now, chill out. I was just playing with yo ass. Now c'mon, I need your help." Mustering a slight grin upon my lips, I lift my head flashing him my pearly whites while nodding in an up and down motion. Plopping myself down onto the mattress beside him, I shift towards my bag pulling it up onto my lap and unzipping it.

"So, I brought a couple of my Algebra 2 notebooks over. We can start by going over my notes then I'll give you a few prob-" Suddenly I'm cut off as Reiko leans himself over smashing his plump lips sloppily against mines. Shocked and unable to move, I lay still as he climbs up from his original spot, hovering above me. His hands lower to the middle section of the bed clasping his palm with mines, locking our fingers together as he lifts my arms above upwards positioning them over my head.

"I might not be the type to stick my dick in an any random nigga I just met, but no one said it was against the rules to maybe make out and touch on that fat ass of yours a little bit." No, no, no! He has to stop. What ever happened to "c'mon I need your help"?! His lips pulls away from mines as he stuffs his face into the crook of my neck beginning to gently suckle down onto my skin while grinding his already rock hard bulge against my stomach.

"Rei-reiko..." I softly mumble out, the last part turning into a high pitched moan as he continues to brush his soft lips against my sensitive spot. His lips part letting his tongue rise from the spot behind his bottom row of teeth. Slithering outwards, it glides it down the side of my neck; the warmth of his tongue sending a tingling sensation up through my upper half causing me to squirm and moan even louder.

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