chapter nine.

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Multimedia Andre Santos.

Andre Santos's POV:
Subway Train 7:50 am.

"Don't worry about them Dre. Let them say shit. At the end of the day, they not real friends if they just gonna switch up because of what you're attracted to." I slightly nod my head looking down at my feet. Man, my life was over. My repetition, all I've worked for, gone...

I sit myself up laying my back up against the trainseat. Julian scoots himself over laying his head against my shoulder and I release a deep breath wrapping my arm around him. I mean, I guess it's worth it... I something good right here. Something that could possibly turn out long term. What can my bros do that'll benefit me in life? Nothing.

"You're completely right babyboy... On some real shit, if my niggas don't accept us then fuck them." I mutter forming a smile across my lips as I glance down into his eyes. He places his right hand on my cheek lifting his head up and places his lips against mines kissing me passionately. I slide my hands up the sides up his shirt running my hands up and down his hips. Damn this boy was thicker than peanut butter...

Someone loudly clears their throat making me pull away. Jamie glances over at me with a faint glare before turning back over to Francey. "Oh leave us alone Jamie." Julian whispers leaning in for another kiss. I pull my face away looking past him at a couple of guys from our school snickering over at us. What the fuck is so funny?!

"Andre... What's wrong?" Julian asks shaking my arm. I jump up from my seat storming over to one of the main boys and grip onto the hem up his shirt lifting him off his feet. "Something funny motherfucker? Tell me, I wanna laugh too." He shakes his head from side to side shrinking back. "That's what I fucking thought!" Throwing him back down into his seat, some of his friends softly chuckle making me snap towards them.

"You got something to laugh about too?! Fuck you want? We can go right here right now." They both shake their heads glancing away and raise my hands up to face wiping it in frustration. Man, if it's gonna be like this all the time I don't think I'll be able to take it. A nigga will be fighting every damn day.😹 Ion play that shit.

Twisting myself around, I slowly stroll back over to a confused Julian. "Dre, what was that? What did they do?" I plop myself back down into the seat next to him pulling him back into place. "They was laughing at us. I'm not just gonna let them punk us, I' ain't scared of no nigga." Leaning my face in, plant a kiss onto his temple before laying my head back against the cold train window.

Is this what it's like to be gay?

I release a deep breath looking up at the approaching brick building. What waits for me at Gerald Saint today?  "It'll be okay daddy. Jamie's gonna have to go through it too. Just take a deep breath and ignore the stares." I clench my jaw as kids begin to turn heads at us as we make our way closer and closer to the school grounds. Julian tightens his grip onto my hand leading me pasts a group of whispering girls who were looking us up and down.

"Fuck you looking at sluts?!" I shout raising my middle finger up to them.

Julian yanks my arm pulling me away from them as they begin to shout out things like 'faggot' and 'fruitsnack'.  "Hey! Andre, stop it. C'mon, just ignore it. Let them stare, let them hate. Why should it faze you? They aren't putting good on your table. They aren't paying your bills. They're irrelevant, so why even waste your time?"

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