chapter five.

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Multimedia Andre Santos.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Burger King  9:46 am.

"Ugh, I'm starving." I mutter as I follow Jaliea to a booth in back with a food tray in my hands. Setting it down on the table, I crawl into my seat and roll up my sleeves to grab a fry. "Same here." she says grabbing her whooper off the tray.

I was still sad but what better way to forget your life than with food?!

"Are you feeling better?" Jaliea asks with her mouth full of hamburger meat. "Ew, don't talk with your mouth full LieaBea!" I reach across the table swatting her arm and she pulls away loudly giggling.

"But, yeah. I'm all cool. Who cares about him... Honestly all I care about right now is this food." I pick up a fry plopping it into my mouth. "Fries before guys.😇" Jaliea cackles reaching across the table with her hand held high. I raise my hands to hers clapping them together just as my phone begins to vibrate in pocket.

Digging into my jeans, I pull out my phone to see a text from Jamie.

Brothabear🐻💖: Hey, I left. I had to... Alina seen me with Francey that day and well she told everyone... I'll be waiting for you when you get out ok?

That little skunk bitch. I told him she was nothing but trouble...

I shake my head from side to side unlocking my phone to reply. "Is everything alright?" Jaliea asks bringing her cup of iced tea to her lips.

"Alina told everyone about my brother sleeping with Francey."

Jaliea spits out her tea looking over at me with widened eyes. "He what?! Oh my god JuliHuli, when were you gonna tell me this went down?!"

I begin to scratch the back of my neck looking past her at the floor. "I actually wasn't going too... My brother didn't really want it to get out and well, I guess it kind of...did.😕"

She grabs a chunk of napkins off the tray wiping the tea off the table. "Oh lord. Well just know I have you and your brothers back. It's probably gonna get real hard for him but I'm sure he'll make it through." I nod my head giving her a toothy grin before glancing back down to my phone screen.

I tap the messages application then me and my brothers coversation. "No need. I left too.😭 Me and Jaliea are at the Burger King on 161st. Swing by." I quickly type in before clicking send. Letting out a short breath I lift my head up grabbing another fry.

"School just started and I'm already stressed." I say making a slight pout. "We should go to a party. I know a couple that are going down tonight." I raise my eyebrows looking over at her with a "bitch are you kidding me" expression.

"Don't you remember what happened the last time we went to a house party Jaliea? Them boys circled me and I almost got jumped by like 10 niggas. No no no. I'm  done with high school parties girl."

She chuckled taking another sip of her drink. "I only wanted to go because I heard Jaccson was gonna be there..." She's been spending a whole lot of time with this Jaccson boy... Seems suspicious.

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