chapter sixteen.

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Multimedia Julian Rivera.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Gerald Saint High 3:15 pm.

"Hey baby." I slam my locker closed turning to face a grinning Andre. "Hey daddy." I mutter slipping my textbook into my satchel and repositioning it onto my shoulder. He wraps his arm across my shoulder as we start down the hallway. School was finally over and I couldn't wait to see my bed. "I'm sleeping over tonight, okay baby?" He emits leaning over and planting a small kiss onto my jawline. Ugh, he must wanna finish what we started in his car this morning... And I'm totally not ready for that...

I give him a slight nod looking forward as we approach the double door exit. I wonder where Jamie is... He was acting really weird during lunch but I assume he's just having an off day or something. Andre reaches outwards holding the door open for me and I brush past him letting out a deep breath as my lungs meet fresh air.

"Finally out of jail!" I shout causing Dre to chuckle as he jogs over to my side slipping his palm in mines. Locking my fingers with his, we slowly stroll down the brick walkway before getting onto the street. In the corner of my eye I spot Daniel and his crew in cackling loudly among themselves. Pigs. Glancing towards them, my gaze meets Ericks. He bites down on his bottom lip sizing me up before turning back towards Daniel. Guess after all that shit he's still cool with them... Whatever, like I even care.😛

Reaching the end of the street, we turn the corner making Dre's Range Rover come into view. I release my clasp around his hand strolling over to the door. He presses the button on his keys unlocking the door and I quickly pull the handle climbing in before he can do it for me. He furrows his brows looking over at me as he jogs around the car to his side and getting in.

"You don't always have to open the door for me ya know... I'm not a girl Andre." A weird expression takes his face and he just slightly nods putting his keys into ignition. "I know you're not one. You're my babyboy Julian. I hope you don't think I see you as a female. I just wanna treat you special because I like seeing my baby smile." He sends me a friendly beam and I begin to blush turning away.

We're dating and this boy still manages to make me nervous. Releasing a deep huff, I dig into my bag retrieving my phone just as Andre begins to pull out of the parking space. My eyes widen as I turn on my device seeing all the twitter notifications. What the... I quickly type in my passcode and scroll over to the Twitter application tapping it frantically.

Finally it loads and I tap the notifications tab seeing that I'm tagged in a video retweeted by 394 people. This can't be good... Releases a deep breath, I click the notification hoping for the best. It was posted by my brother and the caption read:

"This nigga spends his whole life trying to bring my brother and the love of my life down but turns out he's just a big fat Twinkie too. ☕️Shoutout to @Daniel_Young 's hypocritical downlow ass.😹"

"What the..." I murmur gazing confusingly down at my screen. Andre turns towards me and leans across his seat looking over at my phone. I tap the play button on the video and turn my brightness all the way up just as it begins to play. A loud gasp escapes my lips as I watch as Daniel lays eyes closed against the bathroom stall door receiving top from a boy who look a hell lot like Anthony.

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