chapter ten.

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Multimedia Francey Valentino.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Gerald Saint High 9:05 am.

I swing the janitors closet open just as the ring sonars throughout the school indicating it's second period. "Looks like we missed all of first.😭" I murmur looking over at Andre as he comes out the door adjusting his belt. "Fuck it. That class was lame anyway." True. Mostly because it was full of a bunch of homophobic sophomores...

"Well, baby I gotta go down to the Junior floor. I'll see you at lunch alright?" He wraps his arm around my shoulder holding my tightly to his chest before leaning in for a quick peck. I lift my head up pecking back before we both turn on our heels drifting in different directions. 

I think I really like him...😩😭 He has changed so so much. He doesn't care about what people say when they see us. He doesn't care about being gay. I turn my head back watching as he quickly strolls towards the staircase as the late bell rings. So cute.

Letting out a deep breath, I turn my head just as it collides with someone else. Falling backwards, I place my hand onto my forehead rubbing it. "Ow..." I tilt my head up to see am angry Erick. "Watch where you're going faggot..." He turns his head looking left and right before extending his arm for me to grab. Is he kidding me? "No, I don't want your hand or anything really that has to do with you. Just go." I mutter rolling my eyes back.

"Shut the fuck up. So, rumor has it you and my bro Andre been kicking it..." He says looking down at me with a stern expression. "Why does it matter to you? We're done.
O. V. E. R." I retort with a bit of sass standing to my feet. "Yo, shut the fuck up!" He charges towards me slamming my back up against the wall.

I take a deep gulp looking down at him with distressful eyes. "You're not gonna be fagging it up round' here ight? That ass was mine and it's always gonna be mine... I hear one more thing about you and ole dude, you gonna get it." I release a short breath extending my arms to give him a forceful shove. He pushes away against one of the locker and I twist my body around bolting down the hallway.

"Sorry, I don't listen to psychotic DL boys!" I shout back watching as he slowly stands to his feet turning the opposite way. Man, I can't even believe I dated that dude. He's such a mess. How you gonna talk all this shit about me in front of your friends but get lowkey get jealous when I start messing with someone else?...

Gradually making my way down the hall, I let out a heavy sigh realizing how late I am. The bell rang about ten minutes ago. How am I gonna explain this to Mr. Hamillson... He's always bitching about something and this will just create a war.😩

Reaching outwards for the handle, I try to think of every possible excuse I could throw him.

Hm, nothing.

The lunch bell rings making everyone jump from their seat towards the door. I spin my head around feeling a short tap at my shoulder to face a grinning Francey. "Hey." He utters with a wide smile. "Hello." I say back wrapping my satchel across my shoulder. "I was hoping we could uh maybe go to lunch together... It's just... I know I'm such a coward but I'm scared. You've been through this, I haven't. Bad enough my last few classes were nothing but a scene from one of those stupid bullying health movies."

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