chapter six.

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Multimedia Francey Josúe Valentino.
additional facts: 15 yrs old, Sophomore, Single, and he's fully gay.

Andre Santos's POV:
Abandoned House 1:43 pm.

"I'm sure this is it." I glance up from my phone screen to the boarded up complex before us. This was where they said we were supposed to meet them. I wonder if Julian's excited to see me? Does he even know?... I guess it's about time to find out.

I slowly trail after Francey as he makes his way around to the back of the house. "Do you see an opening? Maybe I should just call him." He stops in the middle of his tracks reaching into his back pocket. Pulling out his iPhone, he types in his pass code and I quietly watch as he dials in a phone number before putting the device to his ear.

Francey wasn't too bad looking either... Never really noticed but he has some real nice eyes and some possible cake. Couldn't really look too long, he'd notice.

"Yeah, where are you? We're outside." He says into the phone turning his back to me as he looks up at the house. Oh yup, he definitely had cake.😋 I form a smirk across my lips glancing away and up at the building. It was a three story structure. The pale blue paint seemed to be chipping everywhere you could look and the windows were boarded up with squares of wood held by rusty nails. Why would they wanna meet in this dump?

Suddenly one of the wooden squares swings open from the first floor and Jamie's giant bush of hair comes into view. "Hurry and get in before someone sees us!" He shouts out before ducking back into the house. Francey jogs over to the window beginning to climb into it stepping on a pile of bricks below for support. I gradually make my way towards him grabbing him by his waist, and lifting him into the window.

"Thank you." He whispers as he falls into the window with a thud. I step up onto the bricks gripping tightly onto the dirty windowsill, and heave myself up through the window. Falling onto my backside, I let out a breath looking up to see Julian glaring down at me.

"What is he doing here?" He folds his arms across his chest turning his head back at Francey. "Oh c'mon, he's the reason I even made it here. I think it's truly sorry Julian... Give him a chance."

Julian turns back towards me with a sigh. Damn he looked so cute when he was mad... "Get up loser." He extends his hand outwards and I quickly grasp onto it standing to my feet. "Uh, thank you." I mumble giving him a friendly grin. He rolls his eyes back placing his arms back against his chest. "That doesn't mean anything changed. I still hate you..."

"I'm sorry okay?... Can we just talk? I really messed up Julian... I don't want you mad at me." I slowly lean in placing my hands onto  his waist. "Talk about what? You're gonna do it again... You're not gonna change Andre. You're downlow, you ain't even gonna be true with me, you're never gonna be comfortable with me in public, you're never gonna tell your friends. All we'll be is one big secret. And honestly, I've come so far in my life, I don't need that. I'm already out the closet, why take one step back in?" He grips onto my hands pulling them away from his sides.

"Please Julian... Just a second. I need to tell you how I feel..."

"Aye little bro you alright?" Jamie slowly makes his way over to us looking me up and down with narrowed eyes. "He messing with you or something?" Julian shakes his head looking down at the ground. "It's okay Jamie, go keep Jaliea and Francey company. Me and Dre need to talk."

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