chapter seven.

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Multimedia Julian Rivera.

Julian Rivera's POV:
Julian's House 6:37 pm.

"Hello?" I say into the phone putting my feet up in the air behind me. Andre's deep voice fills my ears sending a chill up my spin. God I swear this boy was the cutest. "Julian? Baby? Who's phone is this?" He asks.

"My mom took Jamie & I's away after that little stunt we pulled today. But I managed to sneak the house phone while she's asleep." He loudly chuckles into the phone and I playfully roll my eyes back giving him a sassy "What?"

"Baby you went through all that trouble just to talk to me?... I'm not surprised but I guess I feel honored." I raise my eyebrow softly giggling at his cockiness before turning over onto my back glancing up at my ceiling. "Don't get to full of yourself loser... I'm sure you were looking at that phone for an hour straight just waiting for it too ring."

"Yeah ight, baby I got better things to do." Hm, I wonder like what... I love it how he calls me his baby... I just wanna scream to be honest but I think i'm gonna play hard to get... It's cute seeing him try for me. Shows me how much he genuinely likes me.

"Who you calling baby? Last time I checked you were just forgiven today..." I form a slight smirk across my lips grabbing my pillowpet from beside me and beginning to throw it into the air. "I'm calling you baby. Now get ready to open your door in about 5. I'm sleeping over."

"Sleeping over?! Boy yo-" Just like that he hangs up the phone cutting me off. He better not think we're doing anything... I mean, not that I don't want too but how the hell am I going to play hard to get now?

Letting out a short breath I sit up glancing over at my clock as it reads: 7:03 pm. He should be here before 7:10. Oh shit, I look a mess! Quickly leaping off the bed, I make my way over to my closet yanking open the metal doors. Maybe I should wear something sexy... No wait, then it'll look like I did it on purpose and want sex... And it's way too earlier for that, we're not even dating.

Releasing a sigh, I open the top drawer of my dresser retrieving a black tank that ended right above my belly button. I quickly pull off my white tee from the beginning of the day and throw it into the wastebin behind me. Pulling the top over my head, I patten out the wrinkles and kneel down sliding my bottom door open.

Maybe I'll just wear my briefs... It's honestly to hot for shorts and I kind if want my ass to be slightly exposed.😼 I close my bottom drawer ambling out of closet and into the bathroom. Grabbing my toothbrush, I tap on the faucet and run my brush under the water wetting the bristles. Gotta hurry, gotta hurry. Fetching the Colgate, I smear an even among onto my brush and run it under the water once again before shoving it into my mouth.

A ringing sound begins to sonar throughout my bedroom indicting someone is calling the house phone. Fuck that shit is loud as hell. Hopefully my mom doesn't hear it. I bolt out of the bathroom grabbing the phone off my comforter and press the accept button raising the device to my ear.

"I'm outside baby." Andre mutters into the line. "Alright I'm coming now. Do not ring the doorbell and be as quiet as a mom when I let you in." I continue rapidly brushing my teeth before scrambling back into the restroom spitting into the sink. "Okay" he simply says back before cutting the line. I place the phone down onto the sink counter  grabbing my vanilla scented perfume from it's usual place beside my Bath & Body Works lotions. Spritzing it all around me, I jog back into my room exiting out into the hallway.

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