chapter twenty-five.

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Multimedia Francey Valentino.

Erick Miliano's POV:
Gerald Saint High 10:06am.

I let out a heavy sigh sitting up from the bent in metal seat of my desk just as the bell begins to blare throughout the classroom from the loud speaker. About time, i felt like my ass was gonna fall off. Uncomfortable ass seat. Plus, I was never really a fan of history. That shit's lame. How is learning about old greek civilizations going to help me in life? They need to be teaching us only about the important past events. Like Martin Luther King, presidents and wars. Not this dumb bullshit.

Lifting my navy blue North Face backpack from off the ground, I swing it over my shoulder starting in direction of the door. "Aye man, wait up." Daniel's scratchy voice fills my ears as he rushes up from behind. Placing his palm down onto my shoulder, he ambles at my side out into the hallway. "Wanna shoot some hoops later? We ain't hung in the longest, I miss you dawg, I do."

Shaking my head from side to side, I push his hand from off my shoulder slightly walking ahead of him. "Nah, I'm sure you're real busy with baby shopping and shit. Congrats, I heard you got twins." I murmur in an agitated sarcastic tone. He knew how I felt about Julian. He knew how I wanted to make him mine again. Why the hell would he go and fuck him behind my back?

That shits fucked up, as his "bro", I'd never do some shit like that. Turning the corner, I make my way down the busy hallway sorting through passing students as I continue in route of the chemistry lab. Digging into my back pocket, I retrieve my small hand brush running it down the top of my head; the bristles combing through my cascade of low cut waves. My eyes scan the halls before landing on a familiar face.

His eyes lock with mines and his cheeks begin to flush a bright red. "Hello." He nervously mouthes lifting his arm from off the metal locker faintly waving over at me. He hasn't returned any of my calls since the party. I knew i fucked up but I was lonely and missing Julian and well, awhile before the birthday party, I just decided maybe I should try to kick it with him.

Rounding a group of giggling girls, I saunter over to his locker glancing down at him with a stern expression upon my face. "You've been ignoring me." He releases a heavy sigh rolling his eyes back as he turns away beginning to fidget with the combination on his locker. "So, you're not gonna say anything?..." I place my palm down against his locker gleaming down at him.

"Do you know all the trouble you caused? Jamie broke up with me, his brother-my only friend, turned against me... These past three months have been nothing but hell. You don't know what I go through Erick... The whole getting caught situation might not've effected you, but it took a huge toll on me." I watch as he continues to struggle with his lock, the side of his face turning a deep scarlet. Placing my fingertips underneath his chin, I turn his head to face mines using my other hand to wipe away his tears.

"Calm down babyboy, I'm sorry ok? I was just mad you've been avoiding me this whole time. Now watch out, lemme give it a try." I slightly brush my arm across his chest setting him backwards. Taking his former position in front of the locker, I lift up the metal lock turning back towards him. "What's the combo?"

"05-23-29" He mumbles leaning against the locker beside his, running his fingers through his chesnut curls. I swiftly turn the knob going to each number before yanking the lock downwards, unlatching the hook. "Thank you." He whispers as I take a step back adjusting the belt on my jeans. Ya know, Julian's gonna be having Daniel's babies now. Which is as hard to believe as it sounds... But pretty much that means my chances with him are completely over...

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