chapter twelve.

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Multimedia Erick Vincee Miliano.
additional facts: 17 yrs old, Junior, Single, and he's secretly bi.

Erick Miliano's POV:
Alleyway 4:05pm.

The moment I've been waiting for since sophomore year when I first seen Julian is finally here and somehow, I'm not really all that enthusiastic. This was wrong, I didn't wanna rape him. I wanted to make love to him, make him feel good. Not hurt him. I just wanted to be with ole shawty!👿

But I couldn't let them think I was gay... "Don't even lie Erick, i fucking seen you bro. You was all over that fag in the hallway! You gay or something?! Don't fucking make me tell the others!" Daniel had said just before last period. He told me if I didn't help him with this, he'd expose me to the whole school...

Nothing but fear lingered in Julian's eyes as I continued to approach him. Maybe if I just go fast it won't be so bad... Placing my hand onto his shoulder, I turn him around so he's facing the wall and reach down slowly pulling his jeans off of his waist. "Erick... P-please don't do this..." He stutters looking back at me with eyes full of tears.

I couldn't do this. I couldn't. Although I've been nothing but a total jackass to the boy, I can't find it in me to do it. My feelings are still really deep for him and if I did this, he'd hate me forever... "I- I'm so sorry Julian." I mutter slowly backing away from him

"Fuck is you doing nigga?!" Daniel shouts coming up from behind. Anthony saunters up to his side furrowing his brows at me. "I can't do this man. This is fucking wrong. He's a human being. Yes, he's gay but that's okay. Let him live his life. Raping him solves nothing and only makes you a big faggot too." I murmur folding my arms across my chest. Daniel widens his eyes clenching his fists. "Are you trying to call me gay?! Don't make me tell ev-"

"Just cool it Danny." Anthony utters placing his hand against Daniels shoulder. "If he doesn't wanna do it, then we just will." Yo, did everything I just said go in one ear and out the other?! Raping him ain't gonna solve shit! I'm letting this go down. Daniel nods his head giving me a forceful shove and makes his way over to a whimpering Julian.

"S-stop it!" He says in a whiny tone as Daniel slams his face into the brick wall pulling his navy blue briefs off his bottom. "Dang. Never really noticed how much cake you have fagbag. Might actually enjoy this." Daniel digs into him gray nike sweatpants pulling out his hard on cock.

"Get the fuck off of him!" I demand pushing Anthony out of my way just as the rest of the boys grab me by my arms pulling me back. Daniel turns his head back snickering over at me then lifts up his cock spreading Julian's legs open. Anthony glances away from me and over at Julian with squinted eyes raising his brow. "Woah! Wait bro, where are his balls?....😟"

Daniel wrinkles his forehead gripping onto Julian's shoulder and roughly turning him towards us making everyone in the whole alley gasp loudly. Julian had a fucking vagina... What the fuck, is this why he never wanted to have sex when we dated?

"Yo what the hell is going on here?!" Daniel asks looking sternly into Julian's eyes. That's when it hits me... I remember awhile back Julian asking me how I felt about intersex people. I asked him what it was and he explained that it's a person who is born with not the typical characteristics of their gender. For example, a make born with female genitals. He must've been testing whether he could tell me or not. Julian was intersex.

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