chapter twenty-two.

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P A R T T W O .

Multimedia Jamie Rivera.

3 months later.

Francey Valentino's POV:
Francey's House 1:46 pm.

I let out a loud sigh gazing down at my phone as it continues to vibrate and light up in my palm. Erick has been calling me non-stop ever since that night at Julian's party and honestly, I don't feel the need to answer the calls. What me and him started was nothing compared to what me and Jamie had... Yeah, the dick was good and he could eat the cakes like it was his last meal but there was no real love there...

By far, my biggest mistake was thinking Jamie wouldn't find out. "I've been feeling you, and I know you been feeling me too so wassup?" Erick had said the week previous of the party. I was lonely and upset and well, maybe he just caught me in the wrong moment... Jamie wouldn't stop stressing his want to tell the police about me and my father's dilemma and that January afternoon I had walked out on him, little did I know Erick was waiting to make his move. Waiting to take me under his wrath.

We made out on his leather sofa until our lips bruised and somehow just somehow, he made his way into my Loom of The Fruit briefs. But I know realizing my wrongs can't change what happened and that what I did to Jamie... he'll never forgive me for. Tossing my phone to the lowerhalf of my bed, I release a deep breath swinging my legs off from the silk comforter letting them hover above the cold wooden floorboards beneath.

Standing to my feet, I raise my scrawny arms above my head and go into a mild stretch. I haven't gotten up from bed all weekend. Jamie is about the only thing that floats my mind and honestly, crossing paths with my drunk of a father is the last thing I need... Trudging past the pile of dirty clothes in the middle of my floor, I make my way over to the door twisting the rustic silver lock counterclockwise.

Pulling through the white frame, I peek from side to side down the dark empty hallway. The sweet aroma of freshly made breakfast hits me like a school bus and I glide the tip of my tongue across my top lip slowly walking toe to toe down the hallway in route to the tasty smell. A loud creak awakens from underneath my right foot and I twist my head in direction of my father's bedroom clasping my palm across my mouth.

I hope he doesn't wake... But if it's not him in the kitchen, then who?... I haven't seen Jaccson around here in what seems like months and we only share a few passby glances when in the school corridors. Tiptoeing the way left down hall, I place my palm down onto the wooden stair handle and begin to ascend down the steps following the scent like a bloodhound.

Cooking was something that rarely happened over here except the late night microwaved ramen noodles so to wake to this, it all feels like a dream. Reaching the main floor, I turn the corner and saunter my way into the kitchen catching sight at my brother by the stove. The sound of bacon sizzling in a pan volumes into the air and I twist my head to the left as two freshly browned pieces of bread raise from the toaster.


He yanks his head in my direction and as his eyes settle on me, a wide grin forms across his lips. He sets the spatula down onto the granite counter opening his arms widely for a giant bear hug. "Hey lil nigga, come gimme a hug. You know you missed me." I playfully roll my eyes behind my head stomping my way into the kitchen with my arms folded across my chest.

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