the ending of His World.

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So if any of you didn't know, this book will be discontinued, I won't go into why again because I already did but if you're curious check the last chapter. BUT, I did promise to let you guys in on how i planned this book to end. These were the bullets that were in my drafts from long ago.💗

Chapter 28

- in hospital ( opening )
- daniel visits Anthony's room after getting past the front desk
- him and anthony get into a talk, daniel says he's not the one for him but he'll meet someone good, someone who actually deserves him
- anthony cries, daniel climbs into the bed and they hug eachother
- after awhile, erick arrives
- daps up Daniel, Daniel walks out and says to Anthony that he'll see him later
- Erick is sad, they talk about the whole situation, they talk about dance, they talk about Anthony's crush on Daniel
- erick kisses Anthony


-Francey at police office with Jamie
-he tells the cop everything that has happened with him and his father
- he shows his scars
- the police officer sends out a couple officers to go get Frances dad
-they exit
-Francey cries in Jamie's arms
- Jamie comforts him

Chapter 29

-in Julian's room
-Andre is rubbing Julian's belly
- says he feels connected to the babies somehow
- Julian says it wouldn't hurt to take a test
- they talk about how distant Daniel has been
- Andre says whether it's his or not he'll treat it like his own
- they kiss


- Jamie's room
-getting ready for prom
- jamie notices a necklace in Franceys jean pocket
- its franceys moms
- jamie says you never talk about her etc
-he explains how she died while they get dressed
- she died from car crash, dad was drunk, cries a lil
- Frances says how he has no one now and that his brother will never forgive him for turning his father in
-Jamie wipes his tear, they kiss
- francey fixes jamies tie
- they go downstairs
- julian comes down
- jamie's mom takes pics
- they leave

- at prom
- jaliea dancing with reiko
- julian talks to her
- goes to get something to drink from the food table, Erick comes over
- conversation with erick
- Julian forgives him
- Julian dances with andre
- daniel comes by
- starts trouble
- andre pushes daniel
- daniel pushes andre and andre falls into julian
- julian falls into table
- his water breaks

Chapter 30

-Andre POV
- next to Julian's side as they rush him to ER
- Daniel is there as well
- they reach ER doors, stopped by lady
- she says only the father and parents are allowed
- they argue on who's the father
- Jamie from behind says Andre is the father
- Andre runs past the lady after Julian as the rush him into a room
- Daniel is mad
-Julian crying etc
- the doctors put him into gown etc
- they notice lots of bleeding
- they say something's wrong


-Jamie in waiting room with Francey and Daniel
- jamie receives a call, sees its from alina
- he's annoyed, steps out of the waiting room for privacy
- answers
- jaliea says she couldn't tell him what she had to tell him in person bc last time so she's gonna do it over the phone  ( she's frantic, crying, nervous )
- she says she went to her daily check up
- shes hiv +
- she says don't be mad but you should get checked too
-he thinks about how him and francey fucked
- francey comes outside waiting room door
- sees jamie in tears
- asks whats wrong
-jamie doesn't reply
-jamie hugs him, falls into arms
- francey comforts him


- doctors runs a quick ultrasound while Julian has contractions
- doctors says the placenta has abrupted causing the blood + leading one of the babies to be without nutrients and oxygen
-Andre asks does that mean that one of the babies might not make it
- doctor says there's a high chance unless they get the baby out now
- they say there's no time for pushing, they must perform a c section
- one doctor puts a gas mask over Julian's face
- Andre holds Julian's hand, says he loves him

- ends

I just want to thank EVERYONE who has supported me and continued to read this book, i'm deadass so grateful. Even though it was trashy as fuck, horribly written, and had some basic ass characters, a lot of y'all still stood by my side and begged for updates. 😭 Oh and it ends on a cliff hanger so i'll just let y'all make up your own little sequel to it in your head on what happens. Does Jamie and Frances have HIV? Will the second baby make it? Will Erick end up being with Anthony? HMMM, who knows. 🤔 LMAOOO. oh and i had plans on making daniel NOT the father. My plan was to have it so that he lied to Julian only so that he would be with him. So it's really Andres. (: Ik this whole story was a complete mess and FLOP. I'm so sorry. But I do think i might start a new book. or maybe bring one of the old ones in my drafts I started LONGGG ago back. If i do start a new one i'm DEFINITELY gonna be more active when it comes to updating it. Ik i've been so bad with that in the past but here's the thing, when i started wattpad i had like no friends and no life and my life was trash and reading and writing stories made me happy BUT things changed and i'm actually happy in life and i have lots of friends sooooo, wattpad is just kind of boring to me now. /: But I think I might start a new one. I'm like 7/10 on my decision.... ANYWAYS, I'll keep y'all updated if I do. Once again thank you to everyone who made this book come as far as it did. Yall da realest. 🤙🏽

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