Chapter 2

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Cassandra's POV: 

"Oh my god! You're Adrienne Armstrong! I love your husbands band, and it's my dream to meet them."

Adrienne laughed and walked over to me, "I have to know, have you ever taken music lessons before?"

I paused for a second to think and replied, "I did when I was younger but I quit when I was around 8 and taught myself guitar and then singing came along soon after."

Adrienne looked very impressed, " Wow that's amazing! You're such a talented young lady, so I'm signing you with Adeline Records!"

I swear my heart stopped for a split second, I couldn't believe that I got signed and one of my favorite bands owns the studio! "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" I hugged Adrienne tightly, even though I barely reached her neck since I'm so short.

After I pulled away she smiled and said, "You're very welcome, now let's talk about tomorrow. You'll need to be at Adeline Records at 9 A.M. where you'll meet the boys and preform a song for them. After they hear you, we'll talk about your first album!" Adrienne explained and I nodded excitedly. But I can't help but feel a little nervous...performing in front of Green Day? They are some of the most talented musicians around. What if they don't like me? I think Adrienne noticed I was nervous and said, "Don't worry, the guys are very sweet and you're extremely talented, they'll love you! Especially Billie since you play guitar." She winked at the last part and I felt a bit better. Adrienne checked her watch and said, "Well, I have to go pick Jakob up from school but here's the address of Adeline Records...also I don't think I caught your name."

I smiled and said, "Cassandra King, but everyone calls me Cassy."

"Alright then Cassy, see you tomorrow at 9 A.M. sharp!" She walked out and I left soon after her, gathering up my guitar and putting it back into its case. When I walked out, I saw no trace of the other singers...not even guitar boy. Well that's a shame, I hope he got something out of this experience.

I happily walked home, and called out, "Mom, I'm back!"

She walked out from the kitchen and said, "Hi Cassy, how'd it go?"

I gave her a huge smile and said, "It was fantastic! I got signed by Adeline Records, which is the studio Green Day owns!"

I swear my mom's face paled a little and she said quietly, "Oh that's great hon but are you sure you want to do this?"

I gave her a confused look and said, "Of course I do! It's my dream! What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I just don't want you to get hurt." Hurt? What does she mean by that?

I shrugged it off but replied, "Well I have to be there at 9 A.M. tomorrow, so are you coming?"

She smiled and said, "Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it."

After that, we walked into the kitchen and ate dinner and I went in my room to pick and practice my song for tomorrow. I walked over to my box of records and scanned through all of them, trying to see what I should do. I was getting discouraged but I finally found the perfect record...Futures by Jimmy Eat World. One of my favorite songs, Pain, was on there and it would be perfect for tomorrow. I pulled out my guitar and began working on the song, changing it around a little to help the song match up with the sound of an acoustic guitar. After countless hours, I was finally finished and I collapsed on my bed out of pure exhaustion. The last thought that crossed my mind before I feel asleep was, "Tomorrow, my life will change forever."


A/N: Thanks for reading! Also, you might notice today's chapter is a little bit differnet in format or style of writing, and that's because Jane and I are co-writing this! Sorry this chapter is so short but we will make up for it by Jane posting a chapter today as well. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter and leave a comment! -Emma

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