Chapter 5

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Billie's POV:

"W-what?" Cassy stuttered. Of course she was my daughter, how did I not realize it? 

"If the woman in this photo is really your mother, that means I'm your father." I said calmly.

"N-no! That's impossible!" She said.

"No it's not!" I said.

"My Mom hooked up with her friend from high school while she was in college! Joey is older than me! If this is true that means you cheated on Adrienne!" She yelled.

"What did your mom tell you about your father?" I asked. Why would her mom lie to our daughter about me?

"She said they were best friends in high school and when she was at collage at UC Berkeley, they got drunk at a party and ended up sleeping together. When she worked up the nerve to tell him, he was in love with someone else, but she wasn't mad at him because she thought it was a mistake, and didn't love him that way either." Cassy said. Her face was flustered.

"Well that's partly correct, you see, your mom and I were friends in high school, best friends, but I dropped out to be in the band. She went to UC Berkeley, so we stayed in touch and she even came to my wedding. Adrienne and I found out she was pregnant the day after the wedding. When Joey was about 3, me and 80, we got in this huge fight, I mean huge. She kicked me out, Cassy! I went crying to your mother because she's all I had to go to with short notice. She didn't really know how to cheer me up, so she took me to a party a Frat party, and that's when we had sex. She hadn't been with anyone in a while, and I was drunk as fuck. We ended up sleeping together. As soon as I registered what I had done, I freaked out. Your mom understood and told me to go back home. I did that night, I was crying when I got to the door. I just looked at Adrienne's face and said, '80 I'm so, so sorry, I love you more than anything. I tried to move on, I slept with someone thinking it would help, but It didn't. I will never love anything as much as I love you, you mean the world to me and if we end it now I will probably die of a broken heart. I can't go on with out you,' she turned to me and said, 'Shut up Billie, I don't care who you fucked, or what you did while you were away. As long as you are here and we never fight like that again, I can't live without you either.' I remember that night so clearly, because I slept with my best friend, I wrote 'The Grouch' and I got my wife back. That's how I know you're my daughter." I said. It was so obvious, we were both short, we both had the same green eyes and brown hair, well, before I dyed mine, and we both sing and play guitar. What more proof did she need?

"Okay..." She sighed, neither of us really knew how to act. Suddenly we both heard a cough and turned. It was her mother.

"Hi, Beej." Katherine said.

"Cassy, can you give us a moment?" I asked keeping my eyes looked with Katherines.

"WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING? The first interesting thing that's happened with my family and you want me to leave?!? NO FUCKING WAY." Cassy screamed.

"Cassandra, now." Katherine said sternly.

"Fine. But you owe me one hell of an explanation!" Cassy grumbled then stomped off like her mom did.

"Kat." I said hugging her tightly.

"Hey." She said, and began smiling wide.

"You uh, you look different, no piercings. Your hair is natural, no crazy colors, no intense eyeliner either." I said.

"Well, yeah I had to raise a kid, I figured I needed to mature." she said.

"Hey! I'm raising a kid and I didn't mature!" I yelled and realized what I had said after the fact.

"Yeah, but you have a wife, you're in a band, you're allowed to be that way, I wasn't. I needed to get a job, a real job." She said.

"Are you mad I didn't support you? Because I offered y'know, it's not fair for you to be mad at me when you refused to let me see my own daughter for 15 damn years!" I started to raise my voice,

"No I'm not mad Billie! I just never expected you and her to meet and it's not like I could say no to her coming here, it's her dream to be a performer I mean, she is related to you and she adores you guys! All I ever here is 'Billie this! Mike and Britt that! Oh my god Tré is crazy, he...' I should've just let you in her life from the beginning but I thought I would ruin your marriage, but you can be in her life now. I think you need to get to know her Billie, she's getting to an age where not having a dad is going to sink in." She said.

"Hell Kat! I've been trying to be in her life this whole time. I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you that our daughter is extremely talented, more than me, perhaps and I want to take her on your with me so she can learn from us, maybe preform a little. I want to get to know her. I don't need your blessing to do this though, she's 15, she's old enough to make her own decisions. So if she wants to come with us I don't think you can stop her." I said.

"When's the tour Billie?" She asked.

"We leave in a week and a half." I said.

"How long?"

"3 months."

"Billie she's 15! She has school."

"Kat, she's good enough to never need to go to school! Please, just don't tell her yet! I want to be the one to ask her to go, I want her to make the decision. Not you." I said.

"Alright, alright. It was good seeing you." Kat smiled.

"You too, I've missed you." I said and I hugged her tightly . "Now go get Cassy, please just don't tell her about tour." I said. Kat nodded and walked away. "80!" I called and Adrienne came walking in.

"Hi." She smiled.

"I need to tell you something." I said and Adrienne began laughing.

"Cassandra is your daughter? Yeah, no shit." she said still laughing,

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because Billie, I love you. I know you inside and out, you don't think I know where you went that night we had the big fight? Obviously it was Katherine you slept with because after that night you stopped talking to her! Besides, Cassy is really the female version of you!" Adrienne smiled. 

"You aren't mad?" I asked,

"No, I'm not mad Billie. Cassy's great, Kat is great. It's fine." Adrienne said. 

"I love you." I said, kissing her cheek and running back out to the main room.


A/N: Hope you like it! It starts picking up from here!!! ~Jane

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