Chapter 7

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Cassandra's POV  

Well, that was thoroughly embarrassing. I've known this man my whole life, yet he only met me 6 hours ago and I just called him dad. "Tiny! Come play with me!" Tré yelled.  

"Please Cassy, I need a break!" Mike begged.  

"15 year old girl babysitting a 40 year old man, this is so weird." I said wiping my tears and started walking over to Tré, whose face lit up when he saw me coming. Something grabbed my arm, I turned to see Billie. "What?" I asked.  

"We need to get you home, your Mom will be worried." he said.  

"I don't wanna go home. She kept this from me for 15 years!" I whined.

"C'mon, Cassy! I know your mad, but she did it for your protection. I know you think it's stupid, but please let me take you home before she bites both our heads off." Billie said and I nodded slowly. "C'mon, I'll drive you, just please call your mom to let her know you're okay." He said handing me his phone. I waved goodbye to Tré and Mike and followed Billie out, dialing my Moms number.  

"Hello?" My mom asked, she'd been crying, I could hear it in her voice.  

"Mom, it's me." I said  

"Oh thank god!" she cried, "Cassy, I'm so, so, so sorry! Are you alright?" she asked.  

"Yeah I'm fine, I just came down to Adeline Records, I'm on my way back now." I said.  

"Cassy, I'm so sorry I kept him from you for all this time! I love you so much, Honey and I thought it was for the best." I wanted to yell at her so badly and Billie must have known that because he gave me a stern look.  

"It's okay Mom, I'm sorry too. I'll be home soon, okay?" I asked.  

"Alright. I love you!" she said, and hung up.  

"Thank you, Cassy!" Billie said and began driving my way home.  

"How do you know where I live?" I asked. "I know your Mom, she loves your house, even if it is a shitty apartment, she wouldn't move from there even if she was going to die." Billie said and I couldn't help laugh because it's true. We pulled up to my house and I got out. My neighbor across the street's jaw dropped when he saw who was driving the car.  

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled.  

"No problem, I'd talk to your Mom about going on tour with us, but something tells me she will say yes." He said with a smirk.  

"Alright." I said.  

"Oh and see you at Adeline tomorrow, around 11?" he asked.  

"Sounds good." I said and ran inside. My mom and I ended up talking it out and even though I was still pissed, we got over it. She didn't say no to tour, but she didn't exactly say yes either. She said she wanted to 'talk with me and Billie Joe about it.' but I took that as progress.   


"Hey guys!" I smiled walking into Adeline records.  

"TINY'S HERE!" Tré yelled and scooped me up into one of his bone crushing hugs.  

"Tré, I'd appreciate you setting me down." I squeaked out.  

"Sorry, Tiny." he said and sulked away to the couch, I laughed and walked over and sat with Mike.  

"Hey, Squirt!" he smiled.  

"Hey, Mike!" I said.  

"What did your mom say about tour?" he asked.  

"She wants to have a sit down conversation with me and Billie about it, but if that doesn't work I can always bring out the water works!" I said.  

"Deceptive child!!" Mike yelled pushing me slightly.  

"Hey, Kiddo." Billie said sitting down next to Tré.  

"Hey Billie." I smiled and he give me a weird look. Yesterday I called him 'dad' and today I called him 'Billie'. I don't know it just felt more natural to call him 'Billie'. "So, what's the plan for today?" I asked quickly changing the subject.  

"Let's skateboard!" Mike said.  

"Ooo! YEAH! I'm the fucking boss at skateboarding" Tré yelled,  

"Can you skateboard?" Billie asked.  

"Uh, not well but, yeah I'm good enough to turn, and actually stay on the board." I smiled.  

"Eh good enough, we can teach you the ropes, squirt!" Mike said and I followed them down to the indoor skate park.  


"Hey! I think I'm getting a hang of this!" I yelled, going part way up a wall.  

"Hey, Cassy! Look at this!" Tré yelled, as I turned to watch him. He went up the wall, did a jump and then kept skating.  

"Holy crap, that was cool! You have to teach me to do that when I get better at this!" I smiled.  

"Sure thing, Tiny!" he yelled. Hmm, I should try going up a ramp. I climbed up the smallest one and I went down, fast. My wheel swiveled and I was thrown off my board.  

"Cassy!" Billie's voice yelled and I could hear him running down to meet me.  

"Well shit, I'm no good at that!" I laughed.  

"Cassy, are you okay?" he asked.  

"Fine! I just fell." I laughed.  

"Are sure? Stand up." he said, helping me up. I winced as I put pressure on my left ankle.  

"Shit, Cassy I'm so sorry!" he said hugging me.  

"Sorry? What did you do? It's my fault for falling! It's really fine don't worry about it! I'll just wrap it in an Ace bandage and I will be fine in a week!" I said.  

"You don't need to play Tough, Cassy." Billie said.   

"I'm not playing tough!"  

"Bullshit, I've had sprained ankles, they hurt like Hell, c'mon I'll take you up stairs." Billie said putting one arm under my knees and the other around my waist, lifting me up. Its been a long time since I've been babied like this, it was kinda sweet. We got up stairs and Billie bandaged my ankle.

"Thanks." I smiled.  

"No problem, Kiddo. I don't like seeing you hurt." he said, resting his arm on the back of the couch. I leaned in and hugged him softly. He gave good hugs.  

"We need to take you home!" he said.  

"What? No! I'm having a good time." I whined,  

"I don't want you exerting your ankle before tour!" Billie said.  

"Ugh fine!" I said and slowly limped out to his red vintage car. We got to my house and Billie helped me into my house.

"Hey Mom!" I called, stepping inside,  

"Hey Cassy! How was your da-what happened to your ankle?" she screamed.  

"Oh nothing! I just fell skateboarding! It's no big deal!"  

"No big deal? You sprained your ankle, Cassy! Go rest it!" Billie said. I rolled my eyes and hobbled up stairs.  

"You raised a brave kid, Kat!" I heard Billie say from down stairs.  

"Billie Joe what the hell? How could you let this happen?" My mom yelled. Great, more fighting. I shoved my ear phones in and blasted I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco so I wouldn't have to listen.   


A/N: Hey! I hope you like it so far! More updates soon!!! ~Jane  

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