Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning feeling scared and anxious for where I was going to end up tonight. Would I even live with the Armstrongs ever again? I walked over to my closet and pulled out black skinny jeans, a grey lacy shirt, and white converse. I put on extra eyeliner today and brushed my hair to be perfectly straight. Maybe if I looked good and healthy they would let Billie adopt me. I walked downstairs and saw Joey and Jakob. They both had sad looks on their faces and silently they both walked over to me and hugged me. I fought back tears while we were entangled in a group hug. I loved these two and I didn't want to leave them already...they made me feel like I had a family again. Adrienne walked in too and joined in on the hug.

She whispered to me, "Don't worry Cassy, we won't let anything happen to you." We all separated and I waited for Billie to come down. He showed up 5 minutes later and he motioned with his head for me to follow. I waved goodbye to Adrienne and the boys and followed him out to his car.

As we drove, Billie said, "Don't worry kiddo, you're going to be fine. I won't let them take you away from me."

"But what if you can't adopt me? I'll go into foster care and we'll never see each other again." I felt my eyes burn as my eyes grew glassy with tears.

Billie clenched his teeth and sped up the car, "Cassandra, I would never let that happen. If you're not blood related to me, it sure feels like it." That made me smile but it didn't last long as we pulled up to the Child Protective Services Offices. We walked up to the front desk and the lady told us to wait for our name to be called. We sat and waited and Billie grew impatient and started tapping his feet. I rolled my eyes, rockstars are so hyperactive. Soon Armstrong was called out and we were lead through a maze of hallways into a cramped office.

We sat down and a lady in a pencil skirt and blouse walked in and said, "Hello my name is Anna. I understand that Cassandra King is supposed to be put into foster care?"

"Well she's been living with me because y'know we thought we were related but since we aren't, I wanted to adopt her." Billie said firmly.

Anna looked through a file and she frowned as she read, "Mr.Armstrong, it says here that you've been to rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. Is this true?"

Billie shifted uncomfortably, "Uh yeah, that's true but I'm clean now."

She raised an eyebrow and said, "Yes that's good but since you have a history of substance abuse, I'm afraid you cannot adopt Cassandra until we observe you for a couple years." I held my breath and squeezed my hand.

I looked to Billie and his green eyes seemed to blaze with fury, "WHAT? By then she'll be a full grown adult!"

Anna looked a little frightened at his outburst but stood her ground, "I'm sorry Mr.Armstrong, maybe you can talk to the adoption clinic but until then, I'm afraid Cassandra will have to go into foster care."

Billie stood up from his chair and yelled, "Are you fucking kidding? I have two kids already and they've turned out perfectly fine!"

Anna stood up as well and said, "Please watch your language. If you do not calm down, I'm going to have to have you leave."

Billie sighed but sat down anyways. "Now, you'll have to take Cassandra to the foster home in Downtown Berkeley by today at 3:00." Anna stated and I felt my stomach drop. I was going into foster care, and now I barely had time to say goodbye.

Billie stood up said sarcastically, "Thanks for all your help." He grabbed the address of the foster home from her and I followed him out. We went into his car and Billie pounded on the wheel and buried his head into his arms.

"It's going to be okay, maybe I'll get adopted by a family from around here and you can visit me."

Billie snapped up and said, "You should be living with me, this is ridiculous."

"COULD YOU TRY TO BE MORE SUPPORTIVE? I'M THE ONE GOING INTO GOD DAMN FOSTER CARE!" I screamed, loosing my control as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Billie softened his look and said, "I'm sorry Cassy, I just don't want to loose you."

He wiped away my tears and I choked out, "I don't want to loose you either."

He grabbed my shoulder and said, "You're not going to. I'm going to fight for you and in the meantime I'll call you everyday."I nodded and he pulled out of the parking lot and we drove home. When we got home, I walked up to my room to pack.

I heard Adrienne ask, "How did it go?"

Billie replied, "They won't let me adopt her because of my history of substance abuse. I can't believe it." I heard Adrienne gasp and I walked into my room. I quietly packed all my clothes, shoes, makeup, and all my other supplies into my suitcase. Next, I went over to Red and Billie and put them into guitar cases. I sat down on the bed and admired the room for a while. Sadly, it came time for me to leave and I walked down the stairs, carrying all my things. Adrienne's eyes were red from crying, Joey looked upset and his eyes blazed angrily like Billie's, Jakob had tears in his eyes, and Billie stood tall trying to be strong for me.

I embraced Adrienne and she said, "I love you like you're my own daughter. We're going to get you back." I smiled and moved over to Jakob and Joey.

"We love you Cassy, you're going to come home again." Joey spoke for the both of them and Jakob just nodded, trying to wipe away his tears.

Billie put his arm around me and said, "C'mon kiddo, we need to go." I waved goodbye and walked out the door with Billie.

"Goodbye. Thanks for being a family to me." I thought to myself as I shut the front door.



Cassy quickly shoved in the album Warning into the car CD player. It was bittersweet because she seemed to want to listen to my voice...I guess Green Day would be her main connection to me besides calling.

"Oh no, Tré and Mike are going to be heartbroken." I thought as I drove. She never got to say goodbye to them and she grew so close to them during tour. We played through the whole album and at the last song, Macy's Day Parade, I parked in front of the foster care home. It looked pretty crappy and unsafe which only made me worry more. Cassy climbed out and I helped her carry in her stuff. We walked in and a lady rushed up to us.

"Hello! You must be Cassandra! We're glad to have you!" She sounded extremely hyper and annoying, poor Cassy.

Then she turned to me, "You must be her temporary guardian! You'll just have to sign a couple papers at the front desk." She said quickly and I followed her. They shoved a couple papers towards me and I quickly signed Billie Joe Armstrong.

She smiled as I finished, "Thank you! I'll give you a minute to say goodbye."

She walked out and I turned to Cassy, "This isn't the last time I'll see you y'know. You can call me anytime for anything. I love you Cassy." She wiped away her tears on her sleeve and hugged my tightly.

"I love you too...Dad." I smiled at that and we pulled apart as the lady walked back in.

"Okay, we need to get Cassandra settled in." She signaled towards the exit and I sighed.

"Bye for now Cassy,  I love you." She smiled and I walked out, letting the tears escape from my eyes as I left. I climbed into my car and just sat there for a minute thinking.

"I'm sorry I failed you Kat. I'll fight for her." I took one last look at the foster home and drove off.


Sorry the update was kinda late today! So Cassy's at a foster home, what's going to happen? Will she get adopted by a foster family before Billie can even try to adopt her? Look out for the update tomorrow! Thanks for reading! -Emma 

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