Chapter 9

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Cassandra's POV:

This was it, I was going on tour with Green Day, I was going to really get to know my dad. I was beyond excited.

"Hey Kiddo." Billie said, as I came down stairs carrying my 2 suitcase's and 2 guitars. "You need help with that?" Billie asked.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." I said, setting my stuff down.

"We should probably get going." Billie said.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, and I turned to my mom. I hugged her tightly.

"Stay safe, alright?" she asked and I nodded. "No drugs, no alcohol." she said.

"Drugs are for thugs!" I teased.

"Hey!" Billie yelled, it's not really a secret he did drugs, so I was kinda hoping for a reaction like that. 

"My point exactly." I smiled and everyone laughed. "Bye mom." I said and she kissed the top of my head.

"Bye sweetie!" She said, the turned to Billie, "Please be good, Billie." 

"I will, don't worry. Bye Kat." Billie said and pecked my mom on the cheek.

"Bye!" my mom said, waving, as we drove away. I waved back.

"You stoked?" Billie asked,

"Hell yeah!" I said. "Do you mind if I put on the radio?" I asked.

"No, go ahead!" I turned on the radio and it was on the station I liked, It was playing 'I Fought The law' by The Clash. I began to sing along, mindlessly,

"I fought the law and the, law won. My babies the best girl that, I ever had. I fought the law and the, law won."

"Dammit, you are my daughter." Billie said with a chuckle, tapping his fingers along.

"What?" I asked, really confused.

"You know The Clash! And may I add, you sound incredible." Billie said.

"Thanks, but you're my dad, you're obligated to say that!" I smiled.

"Hey, I'm the first one to tell someone they suck, and my wife signed you, so you should know you're awesome!" Billie said and I blushed.

"Does Adrienne know?" I asked.

"Know what?"

"That I'm uh, y'know, your daughter?" I asked.

"Yeah! She knew before I did!" he said chuckling to himself.

"And she's okay with it?" I asked.

"Of course she is, Cassy! She wouldn't let you come with me if she wasn't. She's making dinner for you tonight too. She likes you, kiddo!" Billie said and I smiled.

"Oh, okay cool." we drove to Billie's house which was beautiful on the outside and he helped me inside.

"Boys! 80!" Billie called as we stepped inside.

"Hi, Honey, hi, Cassy." Adrienne smiled coming into the room and planting a kiss on Billie's lips.

"Hey Joey, this is Cassy!" Adrienne said and I looked up at a boy who was a replica of a 18 year old Billie.

"Hey Cassy." he smiled.

"Hi." I said softly. "Nice shirt!" I smiled at his 'Oasis' shirt.

"You Like Oasis?" he asked and I nodded.

"Nice." Joey said flashing me a familiar smile. "What instruments do you play?" he asked.

"Mainly guitar, but I can play a little Bass, piano and drums." I said.

"Maybe I could teach you drums sometime." he smiled.

"Yeah, that would be awesome!" I said. There was suddenly a loud bang as a soccer ball bounced near my feet.

"Shit!" a boys voice yelled running down the stairs. I trapped the ball with my foot and juggled it up to my knees and caught it with my hands.

"Woah, that was cool!" The boy said.

"Jakob Danger! For the last time, no playing ball in the house!" Adrienne yelled.

"Sorry." Jakob mumbled, he looked embarrassed. I laughed to myself,

"My mom says the same thing. After I broke our Gravy boat, she flipped out..." I giggled.

"Ooo we got a badass over here!" Billie teased.

"Do you play?" Jakob asked, as I handed him his Soccer ball back.

"Yeah!" I smiled,

"What position?" "Goalie and forward." I smiled.

"Oh cool, I don't play competitively, but when I play with friends, I'm a Mid." he said.

"Ew running!" I teased and he smiled.

"Alright, Alright! We can get to know each other at dinner, it's getting cold!" Adrienne said. I smiled and followed everyone out to the dining room. There was a place for me, right next to Billie and I felt so at home. I like this family, I like this family a lot. 


A/N: Hey! Tour coming up real soon! That means drama!!! So, what do you think is going to happen? ~Jane

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