Chapter 10

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After we had dinner, I left to take my things into the guest room since Billie never knew when he would find me..or ever. I talked to Adrienne about setting up my own room here though, so I can stay here whenever I want! She even said that it'll be finished by the end of tour, so I can't wait to see it. But I would never permanently move here, because I could never leave mom. She's my best friend and I she raised me all by herself, which I can never repay her for. I sat down on the bed and looked around at the light blue walls, spotless hardwood floors, and all the new furniture. This was all so weird for me since money is so tight around our house.

I sighed and that's when Billie walked in, "Hey kiddo, settled in?" He came over and sat next to me.

"Yeah! Thanks for letting me stay here Billie, I really appreciate it."

He smiled and loosely tossed an arm around my shoulder, "You should get to bed Cassy, we have a long day tomorrow." I groaned and he laughed and stood up, "Night sweetheart, see you tomorrow bright and early!"

I stuck my tongue out at him, which he returned and I said, "Wow real mature." He winked and shut the door. I fell back on the bed and I never realized how tired I was until my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light; not even bothering to pull up the covers.


"Cassyyyyy! It's 4:00 A.M. , time to get up!" Billie opened the door, peaking his head through as I waved him off.

"Okay five more minutes." I grumbled turning over.

"No way, I know how this works." He came in and sat at the foot of my bed.

"C'mon get up, y'know we have a plane to catch really soon!"

I just laid there in response and he sighed, "Okay Cassy, I didn't want it to have to come to this but you brought it on yourself."

Suddenly, he sprung on top of me and started tickling me until I was screaming for mercy. "Hahahaha, okay okay I'm up!" I screamed and he finally let me go, chuckling as he walked out. As I sat up, I noticed someone had pulled the covers over me last night.

"Must've been Billie...stupid protective father instincts." I grumbled to myself, but I couldn't help but feel touched that he cared enough to come check on me during the night. I got up and walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a grey knit sweater, and my favorite black converse.

"Eh good enough." I said and changed into my outfit and walked into the guest bathroom.

I scowled at the reflection in the mirror and became brushing through the tangles in my long, brown hair. After it was straight, I pulled out my eyeliner and mascara and applied it. Satisfied enough with my appearance, I walked downstairs to find Billie, Mike, and Tré waiting for me. Billie and Mike looked half-dead, while Tré was bouncing up and down.

"Okay let's gooo!" Tré boomed and we all trudged behind him as he led the way to the car. They hired a driver to take us to the airport, so we slept in the backseat with Tré stared out the window, fascinated with his surroundings. We finally arrived at the airport around 4:30 and the guys all slipped on beanies and sunglasses to avoid being recognized. I laughed at Billie since his fluffy black hair peaked out the sides of his hat and he scowled at me. Luckily, no one recognized us as we passed through security and we made it through to our gate.

"Tré, did you get us a private jet?" Billie asked, happily. He nodded and Mike and Billie high fived. Wow, I've only been on an airplane a couple of times but I'd always been in coach, so this is going to be weird for me. We gave our tickets to the service lady and she guided us onto the jet. We walked on and my jaw dropped, the plane was nicer than my mom and my apartment. It had a T.V., a small kitchen, an Xbox(hopefully to entertain Tré), and so much more.

Mike turned and looked at me, laughing at my amazed expression. "You like it Cassy?" He asked. I nodded and walked over to the back corner of the plane, finding a seat since the pilot announced we would be taking off.

Mike and Tré plopped down towards the T.V., while Billie sauntered over and asked, "Room for one more?" I patted the seat next to me and he sat down. We all buckled our seat belts and the captain announced that we were taking off. I felt the plane move slowly, building up speed to take off the ramp. That's when I started freaking out. I never liked taking off or landing in a plane, and I always forced mom to distract me when we were. I didn't want Billie to worry, so I just sat there gripping the seat handles, my nails scraping the plastic.

Billie took one look at me, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Uh Cassy, are you okay?" I nodded and tried to give him a weak smile...he didn't buy it. He grabbed one of my hands and squeezed it reassuringly and the fear seemed to just disappear. We stayed like that until we were safely in air.

Finally I let go and asked, "So where exactly are we going again?"

"New York! It's a great place to kick off a tour, spreads the word and shit y'know?" I laughed and he gave me a cheeky smile. I pulled out my earbuds and scrolled through my phone for something to listen to. I finally decided on All of This by Blink-182.  As the music leaked through my ears, I felt my eyelids drop and my vision faded.


I watched as Cassy fell asleep, and her head suddenly fell onto my shoulder. I smiled and leaned my head on top of hers. I still couldn't believe that I found my daughter AND I was reunited with Kat. I never forgot about Katherine, even when I got married to 80. I felt terrible that I left to go on tour when Kat was pregnant, but I remember her telling me that she was fine.  In the end, I never heard from her again and I never knew when, where, or if she ever had our child. At first I was furious with her and I tried to track her down, but it was unsuccessful. Later on, I realized that it wasn't her fault and I had the lingering hope that I would someday meet my child. I love Cassy so much and it feels like I've known her forever now. The only thing that bothers me is that she calls me Billie and not Dad, except for that one time it slipped out. I guess this was all too new for her so I'm going to be patient. Sighing, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift.


I woke up hours later and realized that I had fallen asleep on Billie's shoulder and he had fallen asleep on my head.

I smiled and suddenly I heard, "CASSIE AND BILLIE ARE UP!"

Billie jerked his head off of me and looked around wildly, before finally realizing where he was. "NOW I'M UP YOU IDIOT, PREPARE TO DIE." Billie yelled, unbuckling his seat belt and chasing Tré until he finally tackled him.

While they wrestled around, Mike walked over and sat next to me. "Don't worry about them, this is how they bond." I laughed and watched as they rolled around on the floor, a flash of black and light brown hair.

"So, are you excited to see your first Green Day concert?" Mike asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes! Mom could never afford to let me go, but I always watched your concerts online."

Mike smiled at me and said, "It's so much better in person, I can't wait for your reaction." We talked a bit longer about tour, bass, music, and a little about his family until Billie and Tré finally calmed down and they walked over. Mike and I took one look at them, and burst out into laughter. Their hair was sticking out in multiple directions and I'm pretty sure there was a bite mark on Billie's hand.

They both scowled at us and Tré was about to say something until we heard, "This is your captain speaking, prepare for landing and welcome to New York!" We all cheered and everyone went back to their seat and buckled up. I couldn't wait to see the Big Apple!


Hope you liked that chapter! I know their tour spots aren't accurate to the ones that are actually happening, but just bare with us because it's all part of the story! Leave a comment below! -Emma

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