Chapter 16

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I pulled away from Billie and wiped away the tears from my eyes taking a deep breath. I turned to Tré and threw my arms him.

"Thank you." I whispered into his ear and he just tightened the hug in response.

I smiled and Billie said, "We should cancel the concert tonight guys."

"No, Mom would've wanted you to keep going. Don't let down all your fans." I said, watching as Billie ran his hand through his hair.

"She would've wanted me to be there for you and I can't do that in a concert." Billie said.

I shook my head and said, "No, her and I both want you to preform so get out there. I'm going to go on the tour bus." I sternly said, and he sighed but turned and left with Mike and Tré. I walked over to the buses and climbed on, making my way over to my bunk. I pulled out my phone and went to my photo album called, "Memories." I remembered scanning all these photographs with Mom so I could put them on my phone. She always told me that I would appreciate having them on my phone on tour...I guess because I would get homesick. I scrolled through photos of Mom and I at the park when I was 6, my first day of kindergarten, Mom with her high school diploma, a couple of my family at Christmas, Mom and I baking cookies, and so much more. I watched as tears fell from my face onto my phone and they collected into a small puddle on the screen. I couldn't believe she was gone. She was my best friend and now I'll never hear her voice, feel her hugs, or even look into her stormy gray eyes. She'll never see my graduate or get married either. This just made my silent tears grow into harsh sobs. I threw my phone on my bed and I buried my head into my knees. Why did everything happen to her? First she was a single mother, then she was stabbed, and now she's dead. I felt my breathing grow panicked and fast and I knew I needed to calm down before I had a panic attack. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. We were parked extremely close the arena the concert was in so I could hear the faint ringing of Billie's talking into the mic. Then it silenced as music started and I fell asleep to the beginning of, "Wake Me Up When September Ends."



As I jumped up and down back stage, I cleared my head of all worries so I could put on a good concert. I heard the wild cheering of the fans and I looked out to see the huge crowd. I waited patiently for our signal to come out and when it did, I ran out with Mike and Tré. We played through the 99 Revolutions first and it went perfectly. After we played X-Kid, Longview, Know Your Enemy, Nuclear Family, Oh Love, Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Sweet 16, and then I stopped.

"This next song is dedicated to my best friend Katherine King. I'm going to miss you so much Kat." I started playing the chords to Wake Me Up When September Ends and Mike shot me a sympathetic look but followed along playing. I poured my whole heart into the song and I felt a lone tear roll down my face. The last time I cried to this song, I was playing it on the anniversary of my dad's death. Everyone in the stadium had a lighter or phone screen up and I looked out at the dots of light, it was beautiful. We finished off the song and I waited as people applauded. We played through a couple more songs and finished off with Basket Case. We all thanked them and ran backstage to get water.

"Great thing that you did Billie, wish Cassy was here to see it." Mike said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled and simply replied, "I just hope that wherever Kat is, she heard it."


As I walked over to my bus, I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed my home phone number.

"Hello?" I heard Jakob's voice ring through my ear and I smiled.

"Hey Jakob, how are you?"

"DAD! I miss you so much, but I'm good! I had a baseball game today and we won." He spoke so happily which only made me miss him more.

"I'm proud of you sport, can you give the phone to your mom? I really need to talk to her." I

heard him get up to find Adrienne and he said, "Here she is, love you Dad."

I smiled and heard Adrienne's voice say, "Hey honey."

"Hey 80, are you doing well?"

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you?" She asked.

I sighed and that's when she knew something was up, "Billie Joe what's wrong, is Cassy alright?" Her voice sounded worried.

"Well uh, Cassy and I received a call from her neighbor today...Katherine passed away in a car accident." My voice broke towards the end as I chocked back tears.

I heard Adrienne gasp in shock, "Oh my god Billie, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Cassy must be devastated. Do you need me to come out there again?" She always fired out questions when she was worried.

"I'm doing okay, but Cassy's heartbroken and I'm just so frustrated that there isn't anything I can really do to help her."

Adrienne paused for a moment and replied, "Well sweetheart, you're really one of the only people who would know exactly what to do. You lost your father when you were young, so you should be able to relate. All I can really tell you is to be there for her and support her as much as possible."

"Thanks 80, you always know what to say. I love you so much."

"I love you too sweetheart, now get on the bus and check on her. Talk to you later love." Adrienne hung up the phone and I walked onto the bus. I walked over to Cassy's bunk to find her asleep. She was tucked under the covers and she had tear stain marks on her cheeks. I climbed onto her bed and quickly slid under the covers next to her. I felt her slowly move towards me and she slid right next to my chest.

"I love you Dad." She said softly.

"I love you too kiddo." I replied as I closed my eyes. Painful memories flashed in my mind of my first night alone after my dad died. No one had been there to support me then and it was hell, there was no way I was going to leave Cassy alone during this time. Loosing a parent is the hardest obstacle in life and I felt terrible that she had to experience it so young.


Well that was extremely sad. This is only the beginning of all the drama, so prepare yourself! What did you think of the chapter? I love reading your comments! Thanks for reading! -Emma

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