Chapter 30/Epilogue

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Cassy's POV

I ran and ran until I finally got to the beach and collapsed on the sand. I was sobbing at this point, my breaths coming in gasps and my tears were never ending. All these thoughts ran through my head. What am I going to do without her? Will Billie always be there to take care of me? Does Adrienne even want me in her house? I started to shake and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe...I was having a panic attack. Usually when I had one, someone was always around to help me, but this time I was totally alone. This only made it worse and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I started to feel dizzy and I lifted my sweaty palms up to hold my head. I tried so hard to steady my breathing and calm down but I couldn't do it.

Suddenly I heard, "Cassy? Cassy where are you?" I tried to yell out but I couldn't get anything out besides a quiet call for help.

I heard another voice say, "Billie, I don't think she's here." I recognized it as Mike.

"Yes she is, I know she would come here." Billie replied. I was coughing and sweating like crazy, and I could only hope that Billie would hear me.

Finally I heard him say, "There she is!" He ran over and noticed my current state and he helped immediately.

"Cassy, remember? Put your head between your knees and just count to 15 in your head." I obliged and I felt my breath slowly steady out and the spinning went away. Tears were still rolling down my face, but I could feel myself slowly calm and I leaned onto Dad's shoulder.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while." Mike spoke softly as he walked away. I shuddered and cried and Billie just sat there silently, looking out at the ocean. Finally as my gasps for air grew farther apart and the tears were less frequent, he spoke.

"I'm so sorry Cassy, this should've never happened to you. I know how you feel, it was the hardest thing in my whole life to handle my father's death, I'm still not over it." I heard him sigh and I just scooted closer to him.

"It's just so hard, I-I'm never going to hear her voice again." I sniffled, trying not to loose it again.

"I know kiddo, but you have a new family now who loves you. Your mom would've wanted you to move on and have a life of your own." Billie spoke softly.

I nodded and started wiping my tears away, "I love you so much Cassy and I will always be here for you." He said sweetly, and I cracked a tiny smile.

"I'm gonna give you a few minutes alone, it's time for you to say goodbye to your mom." Billie stood up from the sand and walked over to where Mike was standing in the distance.

I looked out to the ocean and quietly said, "Well Mom, this is it. I love you so much and wherever you are I just want to say I'm sorry for ever arguing with you or making you mad. You were always my best friend and I will never forget you. I'll see you again someday." I took one last look at the ocean and I could almost smell my mom's lemon shampoo. I stood up from my spot in the sand and walked over to Mike and Billie. They put their arms around me and together we walked back to the awaiting funeral...




(1 month later)

I sat on the couch at 2:30 in the morning, watching the pictures move on the television, but not paying attention. I thought of all that's happened recently: getting signed with Adeline Records, finding out Billie Joe Armstrong is my dad, going on tour with Green Day, my mom passing, meeting my new family, moving in to a new house, and finally accepting my mom's death. In the end, I realize that my new family is absolutely amazing and I'm so lucky for what I have. I know my mom always loved me and that she'll always have a place in my heart. I smiled as I flicked off the T.V and headed upstairs. I walked by my brothers rooms, laughing quietly as I heard their snores. Finally, I reached my room and walked in. As I flicked on the light, I noticed a certain velvet box sitting on my bedside table. I walked over and opened it up to find the silver heart locket. I picked it up, feeling the cool metal on my fingers and hooked it around my neck. I felt like my mom was with me while wearing it and I smiled. I flicked off the lights again and crept into my bed. Pulling up the covers, I flipped over to my side and looked out the window to the stars. I loved where I lived and I couldn't wait to start my new life with my family. I drifted off to sleep totally peaceful and ready for the future.


That's the end! Thank you all so much for the support you've given this story! So, Jane and I will be putting out a sequel to this story! It'll continue on with Cassy's life as she goes to high school and starts life with the Armstrongs! I haven't talked to Jane about what exact day we'll be putting it out, but it's probably going to be really soon! Anyways, I hope you liked this story and we really appreciate each and every one of you! Rage&Love, Emma 

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