Chapter 3

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Cassandra's POV:

"Mom hurry up!" I screamed, standing at my front door.  

"Hold on, I'm coming!" My mom yelled. She was stalling, why? I don't exactly know.  

"We are going to be late!" I screamed. checking my watch for the 100th time this morning. It was 8:45.  

"We will be fine! It's only 10 minutes away!" My mom said, trudging down the stairs.  

"I don't care! I want to get there early!" I whined.  

"Alright, alright! Let's go!" my mom said, I sprinted out my front door, and eagerly got into her car. We started driving and that's when I started getting nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm horrible? What if Billie is a complete ass? 'No, no! They are awesome. Everything will be fine.' I told myself and began to get excited again. "Are you excited?" my mom asked.  

"I'm going to be in the same room as Green Day! Obviously I'm excited!" I squealed.  

"Well don't get too excited, for all you know Billie could be in this whole thing for the money!" my mom said nonchalantly.  

"What do you know about Billie Joe Armstrong?" I asked, rudely. My mom muttered something that sounded like 'more than you would think.' "What?" I asked.  

"Oh nothing, it's not important." My mom said. What was she hiding?   


We pulled into the parking lot of Adeline records and I took one last look in the mirror. "You ready?" I asked, getting out of the car.  

"Do you know where exactly you go once your inside?" My mom asked, handing me my guitar case.  

"No, but aren't you coming in with me?" I asked. 

 "Yeah, I guess, but only to get you settled in. I really do have to get to work." she said. Typical, she's always working, but she is a single mom I mean, who could really blame her?  

"Alright." I sighed and opened the glass door to the studio. In front of me was a desk. A woman with ombré hair sat typing on her computer, when she heard us come in, she looked up.  

"Hello, you are Cassandra King, correct?" the woman asked.  

"Uh, yeah." I said.  

"Alright. Just follow the hallway all the way to the end and take a left." the woman said and went back to her typing. My mom and I looked at each other and started down the hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. We turned left and walked into a giant room with tons of food and black and red Leather couches. This was the lounge of Adeline studios.  

"Cassy!" a voice yelled. It was Adrienne.  

"Hi, Adrienne!" I smiled and hugged her.

"This is my mom, Katherine." I said, and my mom shook Adrienne's hand.  

"Hello." Adrienne said.  

"Nice to meet you!" my mom said and she looked very uncomfortable.  

"Let me go get the guys!" Adrienne said walking over to the doorway she had come out of. "Boys! She's here!" Adrienne sing-songed. Suddenly, a familiar figure came out of the room.  

"Hey! I'm Mike." he said.  

"Hi." I smiled large even though I could barley breath.  

"So, I hear your a pretty kick-ass Guitarist!" Mike said and I began to blush.  

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