Chapter 20

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Once we finished the show, I rushed backstage to find Cassy. I found her talking to one of the first aid people who stay at our concerts and she looked a little pale.

"Cassy are you alright? Do you need to go to a hospital? HOW MANY FINGERS AM I HOLDING UP?" I talked quickly as I began panicking but Cassy just laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Dad, I'm fine. The lights and the huge crowd just overwhelmed me but I feel fine."

She smiled but I still felt worried, "Are you sure? We could just quickly go and get your head checked out."

I suggested but she just shook her head, "Dad, it's all okay. Let's just go to the buses." I sighed but agreed and we met up with Mike and Tré and walked back. Mike, Tré, and I were pretty pumped because we are playing at Berkley tomorrow and we couldn't wait to be back home. Adrienne and the boys were coming too and I couldn't wait to see them. Since Cassy wouldn't let me take her to the hospital, I told her that she had to go to bed now and she reluctantly agreed. I turned on the T.V. and mindlessly watched it until it was about 1 A.M. I checked on Cassy quickly and she was sleeping and some of the color was coming back to her face. I smiled at how peaceful she looked and pulled up the covers since it was pretty cold out tonight. I walked out and quickly brushed my teeth and took off my clothes and went to bed in my boxers. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, thinking about seeing Adrienne the next day.


"Dad, wake up..." I heard a voice.

"Daaaadd, get up!" It sounded more urgent and I groaned.

"BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG, GET YOUR ASS OUTTA BED." I jumped up and saw Cassy laughing at my expression which made me frown.

I stuck my tongue at her and she laughed and said, "Yeah, real mature. Now go change, we're almost to the stadium for sound check." She walked out and I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black The Who shirt, my silver studded belt, and my white converse. I ran a hand through my hair, satisfied enough with the messed up and fluffy look. I felt the bus pull over so I walked out and found Cassy walking out and being picked up by Tré. I rolled my eyes and laughed as he paraded her around, talking nonstop. We walked over to the stage and one of the stage crew started firing questions at me that I was trying to answer patiently.

Suddenly I heard someone say, "Billie!" I turned around to see 80 and the boys standing there and a huge smile broke out on my face. I ran over to them and we tackled each other into a hug. When we pulled apart, I kissed Adrienne hard on the lips and everything just melted away...


I watched as the Armstrongs embraced and caught up and I felt my stomach drop as I realized my one longtime family member was dead.

Mike noticed that I was starring and he set a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry squirt, you're a part of that family now, you'll feel like you've known them your whole life really quickly." I smiled and I noticed Billie and Adrienne were kissing so Jakob and Joey came over here.

"Ugh, they are so disgusting with all their PDA. Hey Cassy!" Joey said.

"Hey Joey, Jakob what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, how has it been touring with dad?" I talked to them about tour and they seemed surprised by everything that happened.

"I'm really sorry about your mom Cassy, but you're gonna be an Armstrong soon! You can become a part of the Boo." Jakob said and I laughed,

"Sounds great." He was such a sweet kid, I couldn't wait to get to know him better. Billie and Adrienne came over after a while, both smirking like lovesick idiots and holding hands but it made me smile.

"Hey Billie, now that you're done making out with your wife, we need to do a soundcheck." Tré said, grinning as Adrienne and Billie turned red in the face.

"Okay." He grabbed Blue and walked onto the stage with Mike and Tré. As they played a couple of songs, Adrienne turned to me.

"So Cassy honey, how have you been? I saw a video on Youtube of you passing out on stage at the concert yesterday! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, she sounded just like Billie. "Yeah, I'm fine! It was just anxiety." She gave me a worried look as Billie walked over.

"Cassy, why aren't you on stage?"

"Oh, I didn't know I was allowed to sing tonight because of yesterday."

He thought for a second but said, "Nah you're fine, now get your ass on stage."

I grinned and followed him but Adrienne protested, "Billie Joe! The girl fainted on stage! I don't think this is a good idea."

He waved her off and said, "She'll be fine Adie, it was a big venue but this one will be smaller."

I nodded and she crossed her arms but said, "Ugh fine, but if she faints again you're both in big trouble."

We walked away and Billie said, "Cassy, you better stay conscious this whole performance or she'll kill both me and you." I smirked and noded, taking my place at a mic in the back as they started playing Minority. The harmony for this song was simple, especially since I sang it with Mike. We played a few more songs but the stage crew said people were coming in now so we should head backstage. We waited as people filled in the Greek Theatre and I watched the opening act perform. Jason came during the opening act because he was visiting his wife and kid. Then it was time for us to perform and I mentally prepared myself.

We all ran onstage and the crowd went wild screaming, "GREEN DAY! GREEN DAY! GREEN DAY!"

We played through the whole set list and we were about to perform the last song when Billie stopped and said, "EVERYBODY, LET'S HEAR IT FOR JASON WHITE!" Everyone yelled out and girls held up posters as he smiled and waved.

"SCREAM FOR THE AMAZINGJASON FREESE!" Billie yelled as he headed over to Jason who wailed on his saxaphone. 

"NOW, LEMME HEAR YOU GO FUCKING CRAZY FOR MY BEST FRIEND, MIKE DIRNT!" The crowd went wild and Mike played some cool chords on his bass.

Billie ran up the steps to Tré and said, "NOW LET'S HEAR IT FOR THIS CRAZY BASTARD, TRÉ COOL!" People screamed and laughed as Tré ran around the stage, throwing his hands up. Billie walked over to me and said,

"This is the newest edition to Green Day if you didn't already know. NOW SCREAM FOR MY DAUGHTER CASSY!" People screamed and whistled and I smiled and waved. Billie ran back towards the front and we finished off with Stay the Night.

After, we went backstage and Jakob came up to me and said, "Cassy, you were great! I see you inherited some of dad's musical talent."

"Thanks Jake!" I said happily. I walked over to get a bottle of water when I noticed Billie talking on the phone, his face scrunched up in concentration. I wonder who he was talking to.


After the concert, I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out, "Hello?"

"Hello is this Mr.Armstrong?" Asked a voice and I said, "Yes, whose calling?"

"This is Child Protective Services, we understand Cassandra King is under your care, correct?" The voice asked.

"Yeah, she's my biological something the matter?" I asked, starting to get confused.

"We need you to come down to our office in Berkley to talk about the future care of Cassandra, can you come tomorrow at 2 P.M.?"

"Yeah that's fine." I answered and they thanked me and hung up. I wonder what they needed to talk to me about. I probably needed to verify that I was now the legal guardian of Cassy...because there is no way in hell she's getting away from me again.


Would you count that as a cliffhanger? Eh, it kind of is hahah. Leave a comment below and thanks for reading! -Emma

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