Chapter 27

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Cassandra's POV:

"How was it?" Adrienne asked as Billie and I made our way into the living room.

"It was fine, the funeral is going to be on June 7th. Cassy who are you going to invite?" Billie asked,

I sat down on the couch and shrugged, "Oh I don't know who will come on such short notice, I think I will call my neighbor and see if she wants to send out the invites, she knows my moms friends better than I do." I curled myself up in a blanket.

"That sounds like a smart idea." Billie smiled.

"A-are you guys going to come?" I stuttered.

Jakob sat down next to me and laughed, "No. We are going to make you sit through that alone! Of course we are coming, Cassy!" he sassed.

"No need to be sassy! I think it was a valid question! I understand Dad and Adrienne, but you and Joey didn't know her." I retorted.

"So? We are family now! And family means nobody gets-"

"Don't start quoting Lilo And Stitch, that's sad!" I cut him off in the middle of his sentence.

"Well fine then! Give me half the blanket, Bitch!" Jakob yelled,

"Wow! Wow! That was rude!" I giggled.

"Well glad to see you two are getting along!" Billie laughed and sat down in the recliner chair with Adrienne on his lap. "What are we watching?" He asked.

"Uh I actually don't know, I just sat down and the TV was on." I said.

"Cassy, do you like baseball?" Joey asked sitting on couch next to Jakob.

"Definitely! I cant watch it on TV, but I love the games!" I smiled and realized that there was a game on TV. "Oh uh..." I said not really sure what to say.

"Games on TV are boring! I'm not sure why we are watching this! I'll change it to something we can all enjoy, like Doctor Who." Adrienne smiled.

"I love that show!" I laughed.

"You're one of us." Jakob whispered quietly into my ear.

"Rape." I said and he laughed along with me. Billie had a serious look on his face, so did Joey.

"Cassy, I have a serious question for you." Billie said and I began to get nervous.

"Okay." I said.

"A's or Giants?" Billie asked and my nervousness went away.

"A's Definitely!" I said and the room erupted into cheers.

"You are going to get along so well with us." Joey laughed and I smiled. I was home.


We watched Doctor who until almost 9.

"Shit, anyone hungry?" Billie asked. We all looked up, realizing how hungry we all were.

"So Pizza, yes?" Billie asked.

"I'll go pick it up." Joey said.

"Well, late night pizza with the Armstrong's. Is this common?" I laughed looking at Adrienne.

"Cooking takes a lot of effort! It's a Saturday! I don't cook Saturday nights!" Adrienne said, faking exhaustion. I had to giggle.

"I understand, my mom. Never used to cook, like ever! Eating out is kinda second nature to me." I smiled and so did Adrienne. "Thanks for treating me like your own kid. Not like the stereotypical stepmom would in movies y'know? Thanks for making me feel wanted." I said,

"Oh Cassy, don't thank me. You are my husbands daughter and I consider you my daughter now too. I love you just as much as Billie even if we aren't blood related. Please don't forget that." Adrienne said giving me a tight hug.

"Thanks, I uh, I think I'm going to call my neighbor, set up the funeral!" I said.

"If you need help, let me know." Adrienne said and left me alone in the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and went out the sliding glass door that lead out to the back yard. I dialed up Charlotte's number and waited patiently.

"Hello?" Charlotte asked.

"Hi Charlotte, it's Cassandra!" I said trying to sound happy.

"Hi! How are you? Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine, actually I'm great. My dad got full custody of me. I need to ask for a favor." I said.

"Of course! Anything." she said.

"We are having my Mom's funeral on the 7th, I know it's really short notice but that date is pretty symbolic to me. It's going to be at the Akraman Cemetery starting at 11:30 and end at 1:30. I don't want this to be mourning of her death, I want it to be a celebration of her life. Cheesy, I know, but I don't want people to feel the need to wear black. I was wondering if you could send out Invitations to her friends and people she knew? You two have been best friends since you were like 16 so I think you should know." I said,

"Oh sweetie! Of course I will do that! I will text you the list of people coming the day before and I will see you there. Stay strong sweetheart, I know it's hard" Charlotte said as the Sliding glass door opened and Billie came out.

"Y'know, it is hard, but I've got an amazing family helping me through it. I'll see you next saturday!" I said looking at Billie and hanging up.

"Amazing Family?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up. If you haven't realized thankful I am for you and Adrienne I don't think you ever will." I smiled.

"com'er, Kiddo." he said opening his arms. I walked into them and he wrapped them around my tightly.

"I'm so glad that you're back." he said.

"Me too." I said.

He kissed the top of my head and said, "Pizza's here"

"Already? Wow, okay." I smiled and followed him inside. We ate our pizza and then watched TED, the guys choice of the night but I liked it too. I found myself leaning on Joey and Jakob leaning on me. We just fit together. I knew we would have fights at some point, but right now it was perfect. The movie was over and I was half asleep.

"Wimp. I can't believe you fell asleep!" Jakob yell-whispered.

"Jakob leave her alone!" Joey yell-whispered too. I was smiling in my mind but I had no energy to actually smile.

"You suck at whispering." I groaned.

"Oh now you've done it!" Jakob sassed.

"Me? You started it!" Joey yelled.

"You are such children." I said softly. Not moving my head from Joey's shoulder.

"Come on, Cassy!" Billie sighed, picking my up like he would a little kid.

"Aw no fair! Dad never picks me up anymore! You suck!" Jakob yelled after us but I just held up a middle finger and he laughed.

"Thanks for carrying me up." I whispered as Billie set me in my bed.

"No problem Kiddo." he said.

"I love you, Dad." I said going under the covers.

"I love you too." he said then turned off my light.


A/N: Bit of a filler chapter! It's coming close to an ending! I think there are about 3 chapters left:( But hey, there is always sequels!!! ;) Thanks soooo much for 1.2k reads! That's ridiculous! We cannot thank you enough!! ~Jane

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