Chapter 18

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When I woke up that morning, Billie told me that we were on our way to see their Broadway play, American Idiot. They had a meet and greet afterwords with the cast, and Green Day was coming as a surprise. I brushed and straightned my hair, and did my makeup in the bathroom. I walked to my suitcase and picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, a dark purple lacy tube top, and a pair of brown feather earrings. A little slutty, but I didn't have a whole lot of nice things to wear and this was the best I could do. When I walked out, Billie gave my shirt a disapproving look but stayed quiet. We pulled up behind the theatre so no one would see that Green Day was here and Billie, Mike, and Tré put up their hoods and sunglasses just in case. We walked in and the theatre was empty and someone guided us to private seating on the side so no one could see or bother us. The guys had to go backstage towards the end because they would be preforming Time of Your Life on acoustic guitars with the rest of the cast.

I watched as people slowly filed in and took their seats. Billie turned to me and said, "This play is really good, you'll love it." I nodded excitedly, I had always wanted to see it but Mom could never really afford the tickets for both of us. Thinking about her made my heart drop, and I think Billie could tell by my facial expression, because he grabbed my hand and squeezed in support. I smiled at him and watched as the lights dimmed and the cast came out and started singing American Idiot. I think they knew Mike, Billie, and Tré were here because some of them seemed to be scanning the seats looking for them. I leaned back and watched the rest of the play, Billie whispering to me occasionally about the songs or the actors. As it neared the end, one of the stage attendants came back to retrieve the boys and I followed. We went backstage and I watched as they tuned up their guitars. Billie looked pumped but Mike and Tré looked a little nervous since they weren't used to playing guitar.

"You'll do great guys!" I whispered and they shot me grateful looks. The cast all ran back to get their guitars and Billie, Mike, and Tré ran into the crowd.

I watched from the side as the actor who played Johnny yelled, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, GREEN DAY!" They all strummed the first notes and the song went great! Mike and Tré seemed to ease up part way through. They all came backstage and I complimented the cast as they walked by until the boys came back.

"Tiny I did it! Aren't you proud?" Tré asked.

I laughed and said, "Yes Tré, I'm very proud." He smiled and we were lead to where the meet and greet was set up and Billie, Mike, and Tré sat down, ready to sign stuff and meet fans. I stood behind Billie's chair and watched as people came in, pointing at the band and giving confused looks at me. I blushed and looked down, embarrassed since no one knew who the random chick that was hanging around Green Day was. The guys were totally sweet to all the people who came over and Tré managed to make everyone laugh. I gave smiles and waves to people who came by, but I felt pretty awkward and out of place. Soon, this guy came over to Billie to get a CD of American Idiot signed and I felt my eyes widen. He was dressed in a Blink-182 shirt, black jeans, and black Vans. He had chocolate brown eyes and light brown hair and he was so hot.

He moved away from Billie so someone could get by and he said, "Hey, who are you?"

I smiled and said, "I'm Cassandra King, I'm Billie's daughter."

He thought for a second but snapped and said, "Oh yeah! I watched a Youtube video of one of the concerts were he introduced you! Your Dad is awesome."

I laughed and said, "I agree. So, tell me about yourself since you know about me." I winked, trying to tease him a little...don't knock my awkward flirting.

"I'm Ben and I'm 15, uhh I live in Seattle and I love to play drums." He finished off and I smirked.

"Oh, you must of really hit it off with Tré then." He laughed and nodded. We talked for a long time and he asked me if I wanted to go outside for some fresh air. I said yes and told Billie where I was going and he just nodded and waved me off, greeting another fan. I followed Ben out and we walked outside and sat on the stairs in front.

"So, you have a boyfriend?" Ben asked and I raised my eyebrows.

"Uh no." I replied, a little uncomfortable with the question. He nodded and I watched as his hand slowly moved over to my knee and he left it there. I blushed and he said,

"So you wanna give me your number?" He asked, moving his hand down towards my upper thigh. That's where I started drawing the line. I took his hand and set it on the pavement but he just moved it back.

"Dude, stop." I said, my voice shaking a little.

He just gave me a creepy smile and said, "C'mon babe, you're gonna be leaving with your dad soon, give me something to remember me by." He leaned in and crashed his lips onto mine and my eyes widened in shock.

I quickly pulled away and yelled, "What the hell?!"

His eyes darkened and he said, "Just stop fighting and give me what I want bitch." I gasped and smacked him across the face. He raised his hand to his cheek, touching the red hand mark on his face. I turned to leave and he just yanked my arm. I whirled around to say something but he swiftly punched me in the eye before I could say something. I yelped as I felt my eye start to swell up and I felt tears leaking out.

"See? None of this would've happened if you just gave me what I wanted. Now you're coming with me."

He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me away and I screamed, "BILLIE, MIKE, TRÉ! SOMEBODY HELP!"

He turned around and said, "Shut up!" He began to walk faster but I was trying to resist, moving around my wrist and squirming. I kept yelling and screaming and I finally felt the grip on my wrist loosen. Two figures tackled Ben to the ground and Billie walked in front of me.

"Oh my god, Cassy are you okay?"

He noticed my eye was shut and I bet it was swollen because he said, "What the fuck happened to your eye? Did he hit you?" I nodded and he clenched his jaw.

He looked at Ben, who was being held by Tré and Mike and said, "Did you fucking hit my daughter you asshole?"

He nodded proudly and said, "The little slut deserved it."

Billie shook with pure rage and he yelled, "Oh that's it you little douche bag." He punched Ben in the face and started throwing wild punches, until Mike and Tré finally held him back. Ben spit out blood and glared but ran off, seeing as he was outnumbered.

Billie turned back to me and said, "C'mon, I want to get back to the bus before the paparazzi come." Mike, Tré, and I trailed behind him as he stormed off, muttering with rage.


"There you go squirt." Mike handed me a bag of ice and I took it, thanking him quietly. Billie had asked him to help me out as he stormed into his bedroom, and I could hear him strumming his guitar.

I put it on my eye and Mike said, "I haven't seen him that mad for a long time. He really loves you a lot."

I turned to him and said, "Yeah, I'm just tired of causing him trouble...maybe I should go stay with my Aunt for a while..." I trailed off.

"No way squirt, we all love you. You're just trying to have a normal...well semi-normal teenage life. When I was a kid, I was a trouble maker too...I had the highest detention record in school."

I laughed and said, "Wow, doesn't seem like you Mike."

He chuckled and said, "Yeah, I was different back then. But as you can see, I got into trouble too, everyone does as a teen. Your life has been even harder then most teenage girls so you should be proud since you are so strong and brave."

I smiled and said, "Thanks Mike, I really needed that."

He smiled and ruffled my hair, "No problem squirt, I'm gonna go call Britt. You okay here?" I nodded and he got up and walked outside. I laid back on the couch...waiting for Billie to come out.


Don't mess with Billie's family! Did you guys like it? Bet you're wondering what Billie is going to say to Cassy! Thanks for all your amazing support and leave a comment! -Emma

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