Chapter 6

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I met up my mom in the hallway, getting ready to yell at her for lying to me when I heard, "Cassy, Kat, wait!" We turned around to see Billie running towards us and he stopped in front of my mom and I. "Sorry that we kicked you out Cassy, I just really needed to talk to you mom here. Do you understand everything now or do you have any questions for me?" 

"Billie, this isn't a job interview. I'm glad that I know who my real dad is now, so thanks for telling me the truth, unlike some people." I threw a glare at my mom, muttered a quick goodbye to Billie and stormed out. I heard my mom say some sort of goodbye to her old best friend and she ran out, trying to catch up with me. We climbed into the car to drive home. I jammed my phone into the car player and cranked up East Jesus Nowhere, furious with my mom for not telling me the truth about her and Billie. Once we pulled up to our house, I got out and slammed the door.

My mom finally built up the nerve and said, "Cassy, what's wrong?" I stormed through the front door, as she trailed close behind.

"I can't believe you lied to me about hooking up with Billie!"

Her face paled and she said, " I-I just didn't want you to go crazy, trying to find him. It was easier for you to not know who your real father was."

I narrowed my eyes, "Just because it was easier for you, doesn't make it right."

She sighed and started, "I'm sorry-."

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. You're the one person in my life that I thought I could trust, but obviously that isn't true. I trust Billie more than you now and I've known him for one day!" I felt hot tears trailing down my cheeks, and my mom reached out to wipe them, but I smacked her hand away.

"Fuck off." I spoke harshly. I don't even care anymore, I just need to get away from this house...and her. I walked out the door, not even bothering to pick up my cell phone and headed towards Adeline Records.

After about 20 minutes, I reached the front of the building to find Billie, Mike, and Tré skateboarding and just fooling around.

Tré noticed me first and screamed, "TINY YOU'RE BACK!" He ran over and picked me up, swinging me around like a rag doll.

"HEY TRÉ CAREFUL, THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" Billie yelled, but his eyes widened as he realized what he said.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Mike cheered as Tré nodded in agreement. "I mean they both have green eyes, love guitars, can sing, and are extremely short!" Tré laughed at that.

"I'M NOT SHORT!" Billie and I yelled in unison, making Tré laugh harder.

Billie pulled me aside and we sat down. Soon he asked, "So what's up kiddo?"

I sighed and said, "I got in a huge fight with mom because she lied to me about you AND never let me see you for my whole life! I just feel so betrayed." I squeezed my eyes shut, determined not to cry in front of the man I idolized for years.

Billie put his hand on my knee, "I know Cassy, it's really unfair to both you and I, but your mom was just trying to protect you."

"Well, she just made it worse. It was hard to grow up without a dad, and especially since I never knew who it was." I gave up on trying not to cry, letting the tears spill over my eyes.

Billie gave me a sympathetic look and wiped my tears away gently, "I know sweetheart, and I thought about you every day. I never EVER forgot for a second about you or your mom. Y'know  I was determined to meet you one day."

I gave him a watery smile and said, "I don't know what I'm going to do, right now I can barely stand that woman."

Billie thought for a moment and asked, "Well how about you come on tour with us?"

I looked at his eyes and squeaked, "You mean it?"

He nodded and smiled and I jumped up, "YES YES, OF COURSE DAD! Uh I mean..."

I blushed, embarrassed, but he just laughed. "It's alright Cassy, that's what I want to be to you, a father."

Mike and Tré ran over and asked, "Did you ask her to come on tour with us?"

Billie laughed and nodded and Tré jumped up and down with delight, "We're gonna have so much fun Tiny! Just you wait."

I laughed and hugged him. Finally, I get to spend quality time with my dad, and I get to see Green Day perform!


A/N: I hope you liked today's chapter! Leave comments below :) -Emma

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