Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning to a soft snore and something slung around my waist. I opened my eyes and saw the arm had tattoos all over. That's when I remembered my panic attack and how Billie carried me over to his room. I mentally slapped myself for panicking in front of him and getting him all worried. That dreams been haunting me for so long now that it's getting harder and harder to conceal my panic attacks. Sighing, I quickly slid out of Billie's grasp and walked to the bathroom on the other side of the bus. I cringed at my reflection in the mirror. My mascara was smudged underneath my bloodshot eyes, my hair was fuzzy and messed up, and my cheeks were bright red.

"Nothing a little make up can't fix." I whispered to myself. I washed off my old mascara and reapplied it with a little eye liner and applied concealer on my face. I brushed out my hair and put it into a side braid and quickly brushed my teeth. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a dark purple v-neck, dark skinny jeans, and brown combat boots. After changing, I walked out to the kitchen to find Billie sitting there with two bowls of cereal.

"Well I guess I woke you up." I said and he waved his hand.

"Eh, it was about time anyway." He was dressed in a black Ramones shirt, black skinny jeans with his black and silver spiked belt, and red converse...signature Billie Joe. I sat down and started to eat my cereal when I noticed Billie starring at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

He looked me in the eyes and asked, "Are you okay Cassy? Panic attacks are a nasty things, I've had my fair share."

I sighed and responded, "Yeah, I'm used to it. I'm sorry I woke you up."

He grabbed my shoulders and sternly said, "Cassy, I'm your father! I'm supposed to help you through anything! I want you to come to me for anything because I love you so much, and it's been so hard never knowing what happened to you, so now I want to be fully involved in your life."

I smiled and said, "Thanks Dad."

He smiled and hugged me, "You called me dad." He said happily.

I grinned and said, "Well that's what you are to me right?" He smiled and nodded and we went back to eating breakfast...truly as a father and daughter.


I sat backstage and watched as Dad, Mike, and Tré prepared to go on stage. Mike was  fooling around with bass cords, Tré was banging on a chair before one of the stage operators scolded him, and Billie was in the corner alone singing quietly to himself. He always seemed to isolate himself before going out on stage and no one dared to approach him. Finally, they heard their cue and they all sprinted out, Tré quickly winking at me before jumping to his drums. Today they were playing in Central Park, so the grass was packed with people.

"ARE YOU READY TO GO FUCKING CRAZY?" Billie yelled and the crowd went insane. They started playing 99 Revolutions and I got up and started dancing around with some of the crew backstage. Mike looked over at one point and smiled at me and I gave him a thumbs up. After they finished, they played Drama Queen, Basket Case, She, Nuclear Family, Loss of Control, Christian's Inferno, Burnout, and now they were playing East Jesus Nowhere. Jason, Mike, and Tré continued playing as Billie yelled, "WE NEED SOMEONE TO COME ON STAGE."

He walked from side to side and spoke, "Whose it gonna be?"

Suddenly, Tré came over to where I was standing and said, "You're up Tiny." He grabbed my arm and pulled me on stage and pushed me over to Billie. The lights were blinding and the crowd was ear-splitting loud, it was great.

"Everyone, this is my daughter Cassy! LET ME HEAR YOU SCREAM!" Billie pointed his mike to the crowd and everyone screamed. I laughed and he whispered into my ear, "Fall onto the ground after I sing 'inside'." I nodded and he put a hand on my forehead. "A fire burns today, of blasphemy and genocide, the sirens of decay, will infiltrate the inside." I dropped to the ground and Billie continued, "YEAHHHHHH!" He screamed with the crowd and the song ended. Everyone cheered and Billie held out his hand and helped me up.

"AWWWWWWW!" I heard some girls say from the crowd and Billie smiled, "I know, I'm the best dad ever. Let's hear it for Cassy!" Everyone screamed and chanted and I bowed and pointed to Billie which made everyone scream and go crazy.

Tré stood up and ran over to us, "Uhh what about Tré Cool guys?" That made everyone cheer.

I took the microphone from Billie and said, "Who the fuck is Tré Cool?" Everyone laughed and shouted in response.

"HOW COULD YOU TINY?" Tré yelled in fake offense and I laughed. He ran back to his drums and I waved to the crowd and walked back offstage so they could continue on. They played through a couple more songs and finished off with Brutal Love. They "finished," the concert and came backstage.

"Is it over?" I asked, confused since people were still rushing around backstage talking about lighting and the guys were taking quick sips of water.

Billie looked out and said, "Nah we'll do an encore and then it'll be over." They chugged down some water and ran back out to play Stay the Night and American Idiot, and finally finished.

They came back and Tré gave me a hug, "Eww, you're all sweaty."

Tré laughed and said, "You know you love me Tiny."

He let go and Billie came over, "Good job out there Cassy."

I beamed and he ruffled my hair and left to go get water. Suddenly I felt a vibration  and I saw my phone was blowing up with Twitter notifications. I looked at my profile and saw that my followers went from 300 to 10,000 and people were saying, "Billie's daughter @CassyKing is badass," and "@CassyKing is a natural onstage...she's definitely Billie Joe's kid." I smiled and tucked my phone away. I met up with the guys and we walked back to the buses together. Billie and I went back to our bus and quickly changed and said goodnight. For once, I slept in peace without any worry.


Hope you liked it! Sorry I updated so late today hahaha, but thank you for reading our story! It means a lot to Jane and I. -Emma 

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