Chapter 22

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Billie and I were seated in a bright white room and I watched nervously as they prepared the needles to draw blood. Billie gave me a reassuring smile since he knew I was nervous, and the nurses walked over.

"Okay, Cassandra and Billie, we're just going to inject this into your vein and draw a bit of blood. It'll sting but it doesn't last very long." We nodded and I watched as the needle went into my arm. Cringing, I looked away not wanting to see the blood and I bit my lip so hard I drew blood myself. Finally it was over and I relaxed and noticed Billie was just casually sitting there like nothing happened. They told us our results would come back by tonight since the judge had put a rush on the testing, and we walked out. Billie drove home in silence but I noticed him tapping his hand to the beat to the music and I smiled. We pulled up to the house and I followed Billie upstairs, but parted ways as I went into my room. I noticed Adrienne had done such an amazing job, she designed it just like I asked. Purple walls, my guitars set up in the corner of the room, my bed was purple and blue, a white desk, and a blue beanbag, and I had band posters all over. I walked over to my guitars and picked up Red. Whenever I was stressed out or nervous about something, I was always turned to music. I started strumming the chords to America's Suitehearts by Fall Out Boy and I realized I started singing the words:

You could knocked me out with a feather

I know you heard this all before, but we're just hells dreamers

Why won't the world revolve around me?

Build my dreams, trees grow all over the streets

But I don't know much about classic cars

But I got a lot of friends talking classic cold

To see what, hut, hut, hike, media, blitz

Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts

I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins

Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts

I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins

You can bow and pretend

That you don't, don't know you're a legend

Time, time, time, has a toll anyone else, yeah

Let my love lose again

But I don't know much about classic cars

But I got a lot of friends talking classic cold

To see what, hut, hut, hike, media, blitz

Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts

I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins

Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts

I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins

You could have knocked me out with a feather

I know you heard this all before

Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts

I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins

Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts

I must confess, I'm in love with my own sins

Suitehearts, suitehearts, suitehearts, suitehearts

I finished off the end and I noticed Joey and Jakob standing in the doorway.

I blushed, embarrassed that they heard me, "Oh, guess you guys are home." I said.

"Wow, you're really good Cassy." Joey said, walking over to me.

"Thanks Joey, hey now that I think about it, aren't you playing at Warped Tour soon?" I asked.

He grinned and said, "Yeah, Emily's Army is going to rock it!"

I laughed and Jakob walked over too, "So Cassy, you want to skateboard with us? We have a ramp outside." I nodded and followed them outside to the backyard and they threw me a black skateboard.

"Hope I don't fall off this time." I mumbled under my breath. I watched as Joey and Jakob easily rode up and down the ramp and I slowly joined in. I was shaky at first but I eventually warmed up again and it felt great! We rode around for hours, doing flips and tricks until we got board and sat down in the grass.

"Wow Cassy, you were great!" Jake said and I high fived him. I really liked being around Joey and Jakob, they were really sweet. We talked for a while and they told me about their high school since I would start school there eventually. It would be hard though because Joey was a year ahead of me and Jakob was a year behind so I wouldn't know anyone in my grade...being the new kid is going to suck.


Billie's POV

I watched happily as the boys hung out with Cassy. It was good to have them bond since she hasn't been around people her age for a while. Adrienne called us for dinner so I went outside and called the kids and they rushed in. We walked to the kitchen and Adrienne set everyone with a plate of chicken and salad. I noticed Cassy waited for everyone else to sit down before she went to the extra chair at the table. I knew she still felt uncomfortable around everyone at once but it was understandable since she was new to the family. The boys talked about their days at school and Joey talked a little about Warped Tour with Emily's Army. I was so proud that he was following in my footsteps and he was a part of a band. Soon, everyone cleared their plate and the boys left to do their homework and Cassy insisted that she do the dishes. Adrienne and I left her alone and we walked to the family room and sat on the couch.

"Adrienne, I'm so terrified to see the results. At first I was positive she was my daughter, she looks and sounds like me! But now, I don't know anymore." I trailed off and Adrienne slid closer to me.

"Billie, it's all going to be fine. We just need to wait for the call. Katherine thought you were the father too and I know she would've wanted you to take care of Cassy for her." I nodded, and we sat there in comfortable silence until the phone rang. I rushed over and picked it up,

"Hello?" I asked, nervous.

"Hi, is this Mr.Armstrong? This is the Piedmont Hospital with your test results."

"Yes, what are the results?" My palms were sweating and I waited impatiently as they rustled around some papers.

"The results turned out negative. You and Miss Cassandra King are not related."


OH NO, CASSY AND BILLIE AREN'T RELATED?!?! What does this mean for Cassy? Is she going to Foster Care? Will she be adopted? Will Billie be able to adopt her? Watch out for Chapter 23 coming soon! Leave a comment below! -Emma 

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