Chapter 28

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I slept for a couple hours until I woke up and noticed it was 1:30 AM. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to fall asleep for a while and turned on the lights. It was June 7th, my mom and my special day together and it's the first time she's not here. I got up out of bed and walked over to my desk. I looked at all the papers scattered on my desk: lyrics, notes, doodles, and in the very corner...the letter from my mom. I sat down in the chair and grabbed the envelope. My name was perfectly written on the front and I smiled at mom's handwriting. The letter seemed to taunt me, as I fought between curiosity and fear of opening it. I thought and thought about it, wondering if I should read the last thing that my mom ever wrote to me.

"Well it is June 7th," I thought. My nails pushed open the top and before I knew it, I was holding the letter in my hand.

"No turning back now," I thought and unfolded it.

Dear Cassy,
If you're reading this, something must have happened to me and I am not around anymore. I hope you are reading this while you have children on your own because I have always dreamed of having grandchildren of my own. By now, you must know who your father is and I'm sorry that I kept that information from you while you were a kid. Billie was my best friend throughout high school and I'm sure that he is a great father to you. Cassy, I want you to know that I will always love you and even though I'm not there, I'm always looking out for you. I want you to treasure every moment in your life, graduation, marriage, kids, life is short Cassy and you have to enjoy every second of it. If you're reading this while your still in touch with your father, make sure you always make time for him because I know how much he loves you. Also, in my will I gave you a necklace, make sure you always keep that around because it's a family tradition to pass to every generation, so give it your kid when you grow old.  Cassandra King, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you so much.

I read through the letter a couple times and I couldn't help as silent tears fell from my eyes. She hadn't expected to die so young and now she never got to see me grow up. The paper was dotted with my tears and I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. The thought finally set in that she was going to miss the rest of my life and I clenched my eyes shut, trying to keep composure of myself...I did not need another panic attack right now. I decided to go get a glass of water so I crept out of my room in a gray sweatshirt and black sweats that said The Who down the leg. I silently walked downstairs, passing by Joey and Jakob's rooms until I saw a light through the crack of one of the doors. I realized it was the music room and I knew exactly who was in there. I opened up the door and slid inside, seeing the one person I needed most right now...Dad



After I said goodnight to Cassy, I walked over to the music room. I shut the door and flipped on the lights to see Blue sitting right on the stand, waiting for me. I walked over and picked up my favorite guitar and one of my pics laying around. I sat down on a stool and began playing and humming to myself, trying to sort through everything that was happening in my life right now. I thought about the funeral tomorrow and memories of Katherine and I in high school drifted through my mind. I smiled to myself and soon I remembered the envelope in my back pocket. I set the guitar and pulled out the letter with Billie perfectly written out in Kat's handwriting. It made me smile to see her writing once again. I decided to open it up because I really needed closure on this whole ordeal. I ripped through the top and pulled out the letter.

Dear Billie,
If you're reading this, it means I am gone but you're still around. I wanted to write this to let you know everything that I never had the chance to tell you. Throughout high school, I always had a crush on you. I admired your love for music, your free spirit, and how you never cared what people thought of you. I was so proud of you when Green Day took off because you had never been so happy. I didn't blame you for leaving me while I was pregnant because in the end, I received a beautiful daughter. I hope you two are close because I know how much you wanted to see her when she was a kid. I'm sorry for keeping her from you, but I was just so torn on what to do and I thought seeing you could confuse her. She's a really great girl and she reminds me so much of you. In the end Billie, I never stopped loving you. I hope you take good care of our daughter and rock on Beej. 
Love forever and always,

My hand shook as I read through the letter and I bit my lip as I held back tears. I missed Kat so much but at least I had her daughter...our daughter. It was weird to know that I would never talk to her again and I never knew her true feelings for me. I sighed but perked up as the door creaked open. I watched as a flash of brown hair slipped in and shut the door quickly.

Cassy whirled around to look at me and asked, "You read it didn't you?"

I nodded and she ran over to me, "I read it too and it just makes me miss her more."I felt Cassy shudder and I just hung on tighter.

"I know how you feel kiddo. My letter really let me in on secrets I didn't know before. Katherine didn't do this to hurt us though, she wanted you to always remember her and how much she loved you." I felt Cassy nod and I walked over to the couch and sat down with her still curled up on me.

"We should sleep Cassy, tomorrow's going to be hard." She nodded and moved off of me and I flicked off the lights. I made my way back to the couch and took one of the blankets from the side of the coach, throwing it over us. Cassy latched onto my right side and I just held her close with my arm.

"Night Dad." She whispered and I smiled slightly.

"Night sweetheart." I stayed up for a while, watching the night sky until I heard the sound of Cassy's steady breathing. Happy she was asleep and peaceful, I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off, knowing tomorrow would be my final goodbye to Katherine King.


Well, those are the last words from Katherine! What'd you guys think of the letters? Your comments are always so sweet, Jane and I are so lucky! Thank you for all the support you've given this story, it's really fantastic! Thanks for reading :) -Emma 

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