Chapter 25

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Cassandra's POV:

It had been a few days since Billie dropped me off in foster care and it was complete hell! The family was nice enough, they didn't beat me, or treat me badly, but it wasn't a home, it was just a house. I didn't go to school since there was really no point considering it was nearing the end of the year. I sat in the room I was given most of the time. It was just white walls with two bunk beds and a window. I put up one poster. It was behind my bottom bunk and it was of Green Day. Shocker, right?

I never got the chance to say goodbye to them. They called me once and it was just so awkward. Mike tried to cheer me up-failing of course-but Tré's voice had lost its happy-go-lucky sound. When he called me 'Tiny' it literally hurt me. More awkward than that were my conversations with Billie. It was just small talk. I could never talk long and all I wanted was to see him, he asked me once to meet him at this ice cream place called Cream, but my foster parents wouldn't let me.

They didn't approve of Punk music, or really any type of music, except Classical, so they didn't like me talking to Billie. They thought he was a 'bad influence' on a young girl. Every time I argued that he was my dad, they came back with: "If he was your real dad, you wouldn't be here. It's best that you just forget him and move on with life, become a proper young lady. Girls shouldn't be playing guitar, they should be going to school, learning, and when the time is right meeting a man to take care of them. Music isn't a career, it's a hobby." after the first two days, I gave up.

I wasn't aloud to go to Adeline Records. I wasn't even aloud to leave the house without supervision of my Foster Sister. We walked to the store once and I noticed a familiar car in the parking lot, it was Joey's. She saw Joey before I did and made us leave. I was to have no contact with the Armstrong family or any members of Green Day I had to sneak in phone calls or text's from them, and change their contact into my phone to names I remembered from my old school, seeing as every night they checked my phone for 'safety reasons' and if I wanted to text, I had to pay for it. Billie sent me here with about 300 dollars. Maybe he knew something like this was going to happen, who knows? I just knew that I missed him.

Billie's POV:

Our house had this sad, gloomy feel to it since Cassy left. We kept her bedroom door closed, having it open made me want to cry. The boys seemed to get over it really fast but every once in a while as I walked past their rooms I could hear them listening to her covers that they found in Adrienne's stash from Adeline.

They locked Cassy up like she was in a prison at her foster home! It was terrible. I wasn't aloud to see her or even talk to her! She had to sneak in phone calls and they were usually brief. I was fighting like crazy to adopt her, the adoption agency said they would send someone over soon to do an unexpected house check to see if our house was really fit to raise a child in. Even Adrienne seemed sad, but she was the only one in the house who kept her shit together. She always did. She kept this family together. 


"Is it bad that I wish I never met her?" I asked. Almost a week and a half had past since we gave Cassandra up.

"What?" Adrienne asked, looking up from yet another John Green book. It was a sunny, Saturday morning in the East Bay. Normally I'd be doing something productive but I couldn't today, no one could.

"Cassy, is it bad I wish I had never met Cassy? Because if I hadn't, I wouldn't be emotionally attached, I wouldn't feel any of this pain for loosing her, and letting her down. I wouldn't feel like a giant fuck up." I said sitting down on my bed looking directly at 80.

"You are not a fuck up. You might fuck up sometimes, but just because you made a mistake of abusing drugs and alcohol doesn't make you a 'fuck up'. It makes you one of the strongest men I know. Not many people could go through that, come back, and still be a great artist, husband, and Most importantly, a father to 3 kids who still think the world of you. Billie Joe Armstrong, you are not a fuck up. Don't you let anyone tell you otherwise, I love you, Sweetie, and I know Cassy loves you no matter what." Adrienne said and I had to hold back my tears.

"God, I love you. It's moments like this I remember why I married you. Please never let me forget that." I said crawling forward and kissing her deeply. I laid with Adrienne for a while until the house phone rang and I got up to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Derek, from Child Protective Services, I have some news for Mr. Armstrong?" The man said.


"There was a mix up with the tests, Cassandra King is your biological daughter, we sent her foster family the exchange paperwork, you may go pick her up." Derek said.

"Thank you!" was I could manage. "I fucking knew it!" I yelled and began running down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Adrienne called.

"To pick up my daughter!" I yelled and closed the front door behind me.


I pulled up to the shitty house that I had left a week ago feeling depressed and angry. I saw Cassandra from behind, sitting on the grass in the front playing Red. I smiled at the sight of her playing guitar. I got out of my car and crossed the street, cautiously to get to the house. There was a lot of traffic so, Cassy didn't hear me coming. As I got closer I noticed she was playing ¡Viva La Gloria! I waited till the right moment and began singing.

"Hey Cassandra, are you standing close to the edge?" I sang, changing 'Gloria' to 'Cassandra' to really get her attention. She stopped playing and turned around.



A/N: So, happy-ish chapter right? Will Billie and Cassy walk away together pain free ORRRR will the foster family step in the way?? Thanks for reading! ~Jane

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