Chapter 15

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The guys finished up sound check and Tré and Mike were off getting coffee so it was just me and Billie. Don't get me wrong I love Tré and Mike but it was night to have father-daughter time. Billie was playing an electric when my phone rang.

"Shh!" I called and Billie started to play louder and I just giggled. "Hello?" I said walking away from the couches.

"Cassandra? It's Charlotte." my neighbor's voice rang, she sounded worried.

"Hi! What's up?" I asked.

"I have some bad news." she said and I felt a lump form in my throat.

"uh okay..." I said timidly.

"It's your mother, she's, we'll she was in a car crash. She didn't make it." my heart froze completely, she couldn't be.

"She what!" I yelled Billie looked at me with concern on his face, and mouthed 'you okay?' but I just shooed him away.

"Your mother is dead." she repeated.

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked.

"I'm not sure sweetie. I'm not sure. I will do everything in my power to keep you from foster care." she said.

"I have to go!" I yelled. I just couldn't believe it. My mom was dead and I didn't know how to act, I was sad, angry, confused, mad. I dropped my phone and fell backwards onto the couch.

"Cassy, are you okay?" Billie asked. "Cassy?" he asked wiping away the single tear falling down my face. I was too in shock to say anything. Billie's phone rang and he answered it quietly. His eyes widened, and his lips parted. "Alright thank you." he said than began hugging me. "Oh my God, oh my God. Cassy I'm so sorry! It sucks loosing a parent! I know exactly how you feel!" he said hugging me tighter, but I pushed him off.

"No you don't! You have no idea how I feel!" I spat.

"Cassy, I lost my dad at 10. You know that!" he said.

"That was different! You knew he had cancer, you knew he was going to die! You had time to prepare yourself, he wasn't taken suddenly! Plus you had a family and 5 siblings to turn to! I don't, I have no one!" I spat.

"That was rude! You have me! I'm your family!" Billie said, he was raising his voice now too.

"I don't belong in your life! You have everything you could ever want and I just came in and fucked it all up! You weren't there for me for 15 years of my life and now you are pulling this parental act and it's shit!" I screamed.

"I wanted to be there! More than anything, I wanted to be there! But your mom shut me out! Don't idolize her now that she's dead! Your mom was not perfect! She did drugs when she was younger and probably when she was older too! Y'know, she used to call me all time when she was drunk to either yell at me or tell me that she missed me, either way when I called her in the morning, she wanted nothing to do with me!" Billie screamed. That crossed the line.

"Don't you dare pull this 'Holier Than Thou' act! Let's not forget you went to rehab! You fucking did drugs too!" I screamed. His facial expression turned from pissed, to hurt. I know it's bad, but I'm glad I hurt his feelings. He deserved it.

"I know it's hard for you right now, but there is absolutely no need for you to go into bitch mode! I'm just trying to help you here!" he said, but I wouldn't calm down.

"Yeah, help me by tearing down the image of the only parent I had that was all mine! Maybe my mom did shut you out of my life, but I finally get why she did it! To protect me from you! You're an ass! I'm done with this, all of this. And most importantly, I'm done with you!" I spat than ran out the door of the venue.

Tré's POV:

Mike and I were walking back into the venue when the backstage door swung open and a crying Cassy came running out. Billie followed quickly. "Cassy! Cassy, wait!" he yelled. What the fuck was going on.

"Billie, what's wrong?" Mike asked. Billie was now crying.

"It's Kat! She got in a car wreck, she's dead! The last thing I said to her was 'I Hate You' I can't believe that was the last thing I said to her and then Cassy and I got into a huge fight and she ran off. I fucked up. What do I do?" he asked hugging Mike.

"You take care of Billie. I think I know where Cassy is." I said before running off to the secret place I had found with Cassy earlier today. It was really just a ledge, above the Red Rock Amphitheater, that looked out onto the city of Denver. "Cassy?" I called, as soon as I saw her curled up in a ball against the rock. She was crying so I pulled her into my lap. I may be hyper as hell but I was usually good with kids, I guess I relate to them. "Sh. Cassy just talk to me." I whispered.

"S-she's dead." She said.

"I know." I whispered.

"She was my best friend, she was always there for me! Now I don't have her. I don't know what to do. Do you know what that's like? To have something you love more than anything taken away from you?" she sobbed.

"No, but I think Billie does. He lost his dad at ten and he just lost his best friend too. I think you need to talk to him." I said. She began to cry harder.

"He's going to hate me! I was so rude to him! He won't want me! I'm going to go into foster care!" she yelled.

"Are you kidding? We will never let that happen, Tiny! And Billie Loves you! C'mon. He's worried sick, let's just go back and talk it out, yeah?" I asked. She sniffled and nodded. I helped her up and we walked back to the arena.

Billie's POV:

Mike calmed me down, or at least tried to. I was still a mess. "Hey Billie, look!" Mike said, nodding his head at something behind me. It was Tré coming back with Cassy under his shoulder.

"Dad." she whispered and then looked at me. I couldn't help it. I ran forward and hugged her. She began to cry, hard. "I'm sorry!" she cried,

"It's okay, Sweetheart, I'm sorry too." I said and kissed the top of her head.

"What's going to happen to me?" she asked burying her head in my chest.

"Nothing bad. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'm your dad, I will always protect you." I said and we just stood there hugging for what felt like hours.


A/N: Wow, that was kinda a sad chapter! So what do you think? Fostercare? What does that mean for Billie and Cassy as father and daughter? Or will she live with Billie and Adrienne? Hmmmmm. Thanks so much for reading! ~Jane

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