Chapter 13

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Cassandra's POV:  

A month went by of shows, going to interviews, and just becoming a daughter to a man I've idolized for years. Last night I fell asleep really early, the bus must've hit a bump because my eyes jolted open. The smell of bacon filled my nose and I smiled. I checked my phone and it was almost 11:30. I don't think I've slept in without waking up since I was 9. It was nice. I stood up and walked toward the kitchen.  

"Morning Kiddo!" Billie smiled putting bacon on a plate for me.  

"Morning." I smiled.  

"Sleep well?" He asked.  

"Yeah, really well!" I smiled.  

"Well, that's good. We should be at our venue in about an hour okay?" Billie asked.  

"Sounds good." I smiled, eating my bacon.  

"How's your Mom? Have you been keeping in touch?" Billie asked.  

"She's good. She texts me a lot, I get the occasional intrusive phone call. She's protective, so I don't blame her. How's the boys and Adrienne?" I asked, Billie laughed then put a large smile on my face.  

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" he said looking at something behind me. I swiveled around in my chair and saw Adrienne, all perfect and ready to go, coming out of the bedroom.  

"Adrienne?!" I called.  

"Hi sweetie!" she smiled opening her arms out for a hug. I ran to her and gave her the biggest hug possible.  

"When did you get here?" I smiled.  

"Last night, you were sleeping!" Adrienne smiled.  

"Oh." I said, I'm glad I went to bed early. I really didn't want to intrude on Billie and Adrienne's first night in a month. Adrienne walked into Billie's arms and he wrapped them around her waists tightly.  

"Hey Cassy, do you mind spending the day with Tré and Mike?" Billie asked.  

"Billie Joe!" Adrienne squealed slapping his chest.  

"No, no! It's fine! I totally understand. Family should always come first." I smiled,  

"But you are family." Adrienne said placing her hand over mine. I couldn't stop smiling.  

"Yeah, maybe, but you're his wife. Plus, you haven't seen him in a while. Go off! Have fun! But! Not too much fun. You don't need 4 kids." I said redirecting my last sentence at Billie whose face got bright red. "Well, now that I made this awkward, I'm going to go get ready." I smiled. And ran off to get ready.   


"SQUIRT HURRY UP!" Mike yelled from out side the bus. It was cold in Denver so I had to grab a sweat shirt.  

"God! I'm coming!" I screamed running out of the bus in skinny jeans and my high school sweatshirt.  

"Yay! Tiny is here! Let's go to lunch. I'm fucking starving." Tré yelled.  

"Yeah Tré, when are you not?" I asked giggling.  

"Good point." Mike laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.  

"C'mon Tiny!" Tré yelled grabbing my hand.  

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked.  

"The Hard Rock Café." Tré yelled.  

"Wow! So original!" I laughed,  

"C'mon! It's good food. Plus! We know the manager! That means free food!" Tré yelled.  

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