Chapter 4

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I took a deep breath and placed my fingers on the right strings. Once I was satisfied with the first notes I began: "I don't feel the way I've ever felt. I know. I'm gonna smile and not get worried. I try but it shows." I continued on, making my way through the song, trying to keep my nerves at bay. It was hard singing in front of the people who have been my idols for so long, I wanted nothing more then to please them. I finished the last chord on my guitar and let my voice fade. 

I finished and I looked up to see their reactions. Mike was smirking and bobbing his head up and down in approval, Tré sprang out his chair and cheered, Adrienne gave me a thumbs up, and Billie stood up and pressed the button so I could hear what he was saying from the recording booth.

"Cassy, that was amazing! Jimmy Eat World is not an easy band to cover, but you blew all of us away. I'm glad you're a part of Adeline Records." I gave him a huge smile and I bursted with pride. Green Day liked me! I walked out and Tré tackled me into a hug, and I couldn't breathe.

"T-tré, I c-can't breathe."  He laughed and let me go.

Right then, my mom walked in and said, "Hey Cassy, before we leave can I run to the bathroom really fast?" She looked really angry and high strung, and I noticed that she wouldn't make eye contact with Billie, or even look in that direction. I wonder what's up with her, she's usually so supportive of everything I do. I nodded anyway and said goodbye to Billie and the other guys. Adrienne pointed down towards the bathrrom, saying a quick bye to me. As I walked down, I remembered I should thank the guys. I walked back over, but I noticed Billie smiling down at his wallet...that's odd. 

"Hey, whatcha up to?" I asked. 

His head snapped up and he smiled, "Oh nothing much, just looking through some old pictures."

I sat down next to him, "How come?"

He looked at me, his bright green eyes shinning, "They give me inspiration." He picked up the stack of wallet-sized photos and showed me old school pictures of Jakob and Joey, Adrienne and him at their wedding, the concert he met Adrienne at, and one of Rocky and him sitting at the piano. I smiled as he flipped through them all, until he reached a black and white photo. "Wait a minute!" I exclaimed.

He gave me a confused look and as I examined the picture further, my eyes widened. "Uh whose that?" I asked, my stomach churning.

"That's me and my best friend from high school...why?" He asked curious.

"That's my mom." I whispered, my voice trembling.

"Holy shit. That's why she looked so angry with me when she came in! I can't believe I didn't recognize her! That means...I can't believe I didn't think of this before. You look like me, you're musical, you act like me-." 

I cut him off since his rambling was freaking me out. "Billie what are you talking about?"

He looked me straight in the eyes, green meeting green, "That woman in the photo..we had a fling." I felt my stomache churn with antisipation as everything started to make sense.  

"If that's your mom, that means you're my daughter." 


A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a comment below :) -Emma

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