Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - Arista 

"I know where Dan is," I finally tell Phil.  His eyes go wide and he looks sort of angry.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" He questions me.  I could tell he really had no energy to be mad.  I had drained him.  His new look made me feel a bit uneasy.  The Phil I knew was sweet and loved animals.  I hardley ever heard him cuss; Now he has tattoos and piercings.

"Because I don't want you to come with me.  Vera has him... she's just using him to lure me there.  This is my battle not yours.  I've caused you all so much pain.  This is it... the last battle," I explained.

"What- Don't be crazy!"

"Give it a rest," I sighed. "I don't have much time to save him.  I need to say goodbye to you Phil.  This is the last time you will see me."  I could feel the tears welling up in my chest. 

"You can't go... I'd rather you be with Dan than you not be here at all.  Yeah sure you brought a lot of drama... but you also brought a lot of joy."

"Goodbye Phil." A single tear slid down my face as I turned and left the room.  Phil didn't follow me.  I knew he loved me, but deep down he knew I was not good for him or Dan. 


As I stood outside the door of the place where my love was being held hostage, I felt true fear.  Fear is generated off the ones you love.  I have no fear for myself.  I am utterly invincible. 

A knock seemed rather inappropriate, but I decided it was better than just barging in.

I was shocked by the face on the other side of the door. Caroline.

How did I just completely forget about her?  We thought we had beaten her; however, we never really did see her die.

"Long time no see," she gave me an evil grin.  I remembered the brief time I had considered her a friend.

"Yeah... where is she?" I asked, clearly implying Vera.

"Come with me."

Caroline led me down a dark hallway.  I assumed they hadn't payed any electricity bills.  In fact, god only knows whose house this was.  The last apartment Vera had was some man's that she had killed.

I hear muffled noises coming from the next room.  I quickly run past Caroline and go into the next room.  I see Dan tied up on the floor.  Vera is leaning over him, slapping him.

"Fuck off," I growl at her.  My language had become quite vulgar in the past few months.  I had changed all around.

Dan looked up at me with wide eyes; he looked relieved.  My heart broke even more as I remembered what I was about to do.

"Look who finaly decided to join us, Dan!" Vera cheered.  She truly was insane.

"Let him go, I'm willing to do anything."

"Oh I'm sure you are.  Don't you want to hear my offer first?" A sick smile crept upon her face.  I nod in response.  "Caroline here, wants to be the you that Dan and Phil know.  She wants to be the girl Dan finds on the beach.  The one the boys fight over.  I want to be the you everyone in the sea kingdom worships.  You will be erased.  But hey, that means no more pain, right?  Essentially you will be giving up.  I know you would like that, because you are weak."

I roll my eyes.  "Okay let's be real... you're using Caroline.  Who cares what you promised her.  I want nothing to do with her,"  I argue.

Vera shurgs in an agreeing sort of way.  Caroline looks terribly offended.  With a wave of my hand, I snap her neck.  She's now dead on the floor... Dan looks horrified.

"Here are my conditions.  I obviously do not care about the sea... do what you want.  I just don't want Dan or Phil involved in any way.  I want them to have never met me.  You will not bother them; I will not bother them.  Make me a human and take me back to that day... the first day I ever met them.  You can be me or whatever you desire.  Erase their memories but not mine.... I don't want to repeat this mistake."  Dan starts forcefully yelling under the cloth that was covering his mouth.  I've clearly upset him.

"You're making this so easy... I can do that," Vera looks pleased.  I was unmistakebly putting the entire sea at risk with my decision, but I did not care.  At this point I was so filled with love for the two boys who have occupied my time for the last few months.  They are my only thought... my only need to survive. 

"Deal," Vera and I say at the same time. 

I walk over and take the cloth out of dans mouth.

"Stop this Arista! You're only thinking about yourself.  I love you more than anything.  You can't just leave me.  I don't even care if you choose Phil.  I can't lose you." Dan argues frantically.

I laugh as tears begin streaming down my cheeks.  "Phil said almost the exact same thing.  I don't care though.  However you're right in some aspects... I want to forget too.  Erase my memories too."

Oh look I updated... almost a year later.... wooo

Okay so this story sucks so bad.  I'm glad some people like it but... this needs to stop.  This is the second to last chapter.  The final chapter will be updated some time before 2016.  Thanks for the support. 

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now